Rai Jin



1 year, 8 months ago


Rai Jin was born into a strong family of Fighters. His whole life was about nothing but fighting and having a strong body.

by 10 he was on of the strongest fighters in his family.

by 12 he had mastered every fighting style known across the galaxy.

when he turned 18 he was ready to leave his family and find fighters strong enough to conquer. He lives to fight. He joined the Hunters guild where he became an S+ class Hunter in a short time. He also became the undefeated hunter wrestling champion (HWC).

His strength is so well known that even Dream Warriors came to see his strength.  They wanted him to join the Dream Warriors but he said "I live to fight. Not to serve." He's one of the most dangerous men in the galaxy.

His Lightning is so strong that a weak zap could paralyze you for up to 10 minutes. His speed is faster than Light and his strength is around planetary that keeps growing. His Lightning Devil makes him able to control all the electricity, thunder, and lightning around him.

He holds a lot of this strength back due to him wanting more of an entertaining fight. His Goal is to best every fighter he comes across. He knows that this is an unrealistic goal but it keeps his drive and passion to fight to keep going.