Larria Promik



1 year, 8 months ago


Your name is LARRIA PROMIK and you are 25 sweeps old. You're a MECHANIC in the ALTERNIAN FLEET and it's alright, you guess. You KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN and do your work. You recently transferred to a new ship, after your previous one was destroyed during a battle and you were one of the few survivors. It's a good thing the DESTRO had open positions, or you're not sure where you would have wound up.

Your EYE was damaged when you served on the DIVINER; a pipe burst from too much pressure after a new recruit made a technical error. You managed to save them and solve the issue, even though you took the brunt of the hit. Unfortunately, the rookie was found at fault and was...removed from the ship. There were some talks about repairing your eye, as a job well done, but it was determined you could still do all aspects of your job, so they just promoted you (no change in pay, obviously) and opted not to waste any further resources on fixing your eye. The explosion also nearly deafened you in your RIGHT EAR, but it's fine. You're alive, at least, right?

trollhandle: monkeyWrench

strife specibus: wrench-kind

Height: 6'3

Lusus: Puma


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Canon sign: Lemino

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