


1 year, 2 months ago


60719984_qTTqrHgLS1GFKcz.pngThe stoic, cold, and somewhat distant leader/manager of Theta. Technically, he has no rank over the other Frags - as they are a council that works alongside elected mortal officials - but most defer to his judgment and wisdom. Vuaria accepts this with calm understanding, and works diligently-but-quietly to ensure Theta's protection and expansion. Ultimately, he did push for Theta to reopen its borders in recent years, and has spearheaded its burgeoning interactions with its fellow Original Timelines.

He generally tries to remain neutral in conflicts, and provide an unbiased point of view when the other Frags approach him with arguments or conflicts. His handle on his reactions is stable enough that someone less charitable might call him emotionless.

In his youth, he was somewhat of an apprentice to Mortie. Though it's undeniable that shadowing under the previous leader provided Vuaria with the experience and skill to take up the helm after Mortie was injured, he's exceptionally touchy about discussing Mortie and what happened to him. At the very least, Vuaria seems genuinely invested in Mortie's well-being, and has attempted a plethora of ways to provide material comfort to him.