


6 years, 15 days ago


caring . responsible . skilled


age Early 30s
eyes Light Blue-Green
height 6'0"
hair Light Blond
Gender Male
skin Fair
Birthday July 6th
zodiac Cancer
occup. Butler/ Bodyguard
Orient. ???


Jonathan is Chrysler's bodyguard/butler and best friend. Not much is known about his childhood. Chrysler's [very young looking] grandpa (hetalia america) took him in when he was young. To express his gratitude, Jonathan offered to do whatever he wanted for him (within reason) but Chrysler's grandpa said he didn't need to do anything of the sort. Jonathan kept insisting though, so Chrysler's grandpa told him to be friends with him. So he did, and he did so genuinely; though it ended being more like Jonathan doing whatever Chrysler told him to do while becoming friends along the way. Doing things for Chrysler ended up being the thing he can do best so he decides to become his personal butler, and doubled as a bodyguard since he's learned many self defense arts and Chrysler's grandpa let him learn how to use weapons.

Jonathan's a few years older than Chrysler. He's a formal type of guy so he usually calls Chrysler the "young master", though Chrysler would rather be called by his name. He's very dutiful and on top of his work, but there's times where he gets swept up in Chrysler's shenanigans lol. He actually doesn't mind it, but he has to at least make sure he does't do anything stupid.

He sounds like he has some british accent when he speaks (don't know which; I'm not versed in accents oof). He usually dresses in suits (mainly blue; plain or simple patterned) and tries to keep his hair neat. He doesn't have much of a temper; in fact sometimes he seems too calm. He has a keen sense of hearing and eyesight. He likes drinking all sorts of teas, keeping things organized, using classical music as good background music, and spending time with Chrysler.


  • He's exceptionally well at using firearms; though he doesn't like shooting to kill
  • Some think his calm demeanor can be kinda scary haha... some of the other staff think so at least
  • He usually gets 'the greatest privilege" of getting to wash Chrysler's hair. Nowadays he doesn't mind it but once he made the mistake of asking Chrysler why he wouldn't cut it and got yelled at, so he's been doing this task ever since ^^;
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