


6 years, 15 days ago


Name Dominique Ito
Called Dom
Age 19
D.O.B February 05
Gender Female

Race Kowaiko
Sexuality Pansexual
Pronouns she / her
Theme 真実の詩

Value $85
Designer robbeary
XP 5000/9999
HP 100/100
MP 100/100
Str 3/10
End 2/10
Def 5/10
Int 4/10
Chr 8/10
Wis 4/10
Dis 8/10
Per 7/10
Lck 10/10
Design Info

Dom is not to be drawn sexually or maturely. She has a build of an adolescent althought being a bit older.
I prefer her being drawn with her kowaiko traits, but she can also be drawn without them.

  • Height: 4'11"
  • Build: Petite
  • Eyes: Green with horizontal pupils
  • Skin tone: Warm ivory
  • Hair colour: Red
  • Hair style: Bob cut

  • sweets & desserts
  • her frog mask
  • having her bangs up
  • feminine people
  • fireworks

  • smiley people
  • damp & dark places
  • her bright red hair
  • people who use her for her abilities
  • how damn sharp her katana is

★ Not for sale!
Active (Open for HC & RP)


Shisen | katana | x1 | 693 damage
Although she doesn't use it very much, Shisen is Dom's weapon. Her ability to grant luck has always been sought out for, so having a sword she can wield can contribute to her protection.
Frogguppy | Armor | x1 | ??? damage
To hide her appearance from wandering eyes, she constantly wears a happy frog mask. Dom finds the mask cute as well as useful. Kinda of strange how the mask is happy compared to her resting face..

Name | Purchase Price
About the item and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Coin Purse | 100gp | etc
About the item and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.
Name | Price
About the item and what it does. Phasellus ac euismod ligula. Duis molestie lacus tortor, in cursus nisi varius a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

Tsuiteru | Balance | 50 mp
The state of being lucky. Being in a 5m radius of this skill's area will grant you immediate and temporary good luck. Everything from money to an A on an exam! Requires the use of half of Dom's mp. It can wear her out very quickly.
Tsuitenai | Balance | 50 mp
With luck, there will always be the state of unlucky to balance everything. Like Tsuiteru, this skill requires the use of half of Dom's mp, depleting her mp completely. After using tsuiteru, tsuitenai always follows.

Bell | Kowaiko | 100 mp
40% of traditional monster powers -- This kowaiko trait allows Dom to transform into a human and blend into human society. Shape shifting can only last 1 week. Doing so depletes all of her mp so she rarely uses it. Is detachable!
Froggie Friend | Earth | ??? mp
Ribbit! The ability to temporarily turn into a money frog while resting or in specific environments. Don't see Dom in her frog form too much. Wonder how much it costs... Can you guess?

On contrary belief, Dom is not a money frog, but a spirit in a money frog. The frog once belonged to a woman who loved it very much. It grant her so much luck and served her a 100 years even in death. Was the spirit in love with her? Or the frog?
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ wheel of fortune

protective ⋆ lucky/unlucky ⋆ airheaded

She's a spirit that possesses an object (tsukumogami), a money frog to be specific.

Not as powerful as an actual money frog, the spirit has a set amount of time before it losses it's grip of it's ability to grant luck and money. Once the time is up, she becomes the opposite-- giving bad luck and making people lose money when they encounter her.

People have attempted to steal her away to abuse her money-granting abilities so she carries a katana with her as a safety precaution.

Her spirit is searching for someone... Wait, it's been 19 years since then. Do you think that person reincarnated or is somewhere in limbo?


  • Kowaiko species by shiohh
  • Rare ball - broken glass, translucent, gradient bell
  • Rare 3rd eye - tree frog like; 1 eye on tongue, 5 eyes on back
  • Unless wanted, please refrain from drawing her with her bangs up
dcuaj9b-89848a7f-4716-4f8e-baa3-2b2ec0a1 None! ---

Feel free to msg me for headcanons and rp! All kowaiko and non-kowaiko welcome! :')