Noel Harvey



6 years, 18 days ago



Name Noel Harvey Called Noel
Age 22 Gender Female
Origin Imparverse Race Nemo/Demi-goddess
Type Electric/Flying Alignment Neutral Good
Status Alive/Retired Theme Song link

Noel seems to be the first-born triplet, and taking her role in stride she seems to act as the 'eldest' might and will frequently bring up how she should be listened to or trusted "because she knows best". She is much more manipulative then she appears at first glance or then most people actually expect from her, using her intelligence to disarm those who don't know better. Not hesitating to take any means necessary to achieve her goals, she has resort to such things as blackmail when it came down to it. Avoiding her wrath is easily remedied, as long as you aren't antagonistic to either of her brothers then you'll usually be fine, but if you are then best case scenario she'll systematically attempt to ruin your life. She is known to be EXTREMELY petty and will hold onto the simplest of gripes, so really who is safe? No one :^).








As previously noted, Noel is a very intelligent girl and fully uses this to her advantage in life. She is a pro at gathering information and organization, yet uses it to plot and commit atrocities against those who have wronged her as she is incredibly petty for some reason. Very protective, aggressively so, over her siblings, she sees herself as the only one really capable of adequately protecting them and tends to make sure they're doing already fairly often. Typically she is serious around people, not one to crack a joke or even really smile in interactions, but completely does a 180 in her close relationships. Toward those she loves she is more open and honesty, showing genuine concern and usually the type who wants to hear about their troubles. The bluenette also may have a jealous streak when it comes to love. On the same note of love, she gets easily flustered in romantic scenarios and seems to especially like girls who are the strong-silent type. It's very easily to get on her bad side, but ticking her temper doesn't mean an immediate reaction, as she is fairly skilled at masking her emotions.


  • Planning
  • Photography
  • Flying
  • Swordfighting


  • Most People
  • Overly-emotional people
  • Breaking Promises
  • Lies











Trained from a young age, Noel is knowledgeable in sword-fighting technique and knows how to wield her blade in battle. Her specialty being back-sword types.

Fertility Manipulation

Coming from her father being the god of fertility in her world, she has the ability to manipulate fertility, with a specialty in inducing plant and earth fertility. Used effectively, she could sprout a whole forest. Though because of the source of this power she very rarely uses it.

Cloud Generation

Noel can also summon clouds at will, using them as cover for her attacks or as vehicles to ride on by condensing the cloud into a more solid-like state that can support weight.

Electricity Manipulation

Her mother's element being electricity, she is able to summon and control electricity and electrical currents in most of its forms. Typically she calls down thunder from the sky as she has trouble generating it from her own body like her mother can.


OKAY SO I LOVE HER SO MUCH???? I know you, who is reading this may not know everything about her but she's been through some stuff that leads to the way she is now and I want to protect her;;; My angry, petty gal deserves the world. The next two sections are going to be a brief blurb about her relationship with her father and then some background as well as a section about the world of Impar.

Early Life and Landorus

Born out of a happy 'accident' between her mother and the god of fertility himself, Noel was the first of three triplets. Being a Nemo meant that her ageing was accelerated in early life, meaning by a couple of months into her life she was much closer to a kindergartner then a squishy baby. Early on, she was somewhat of a crybaby actually, frequently hiding behind her siblings shyly and getting easily spooked with all the excitement that tended to gravitate toward her family. More then that, she was wholehearted a daddy's girl and loved to visit her godly parent when he had the time. Quinn of course didn't mind this, facilitating the visits between the two as necessary because he knew that they should at least know who their true father was even if they weren't together. For a while this arrangement worked....but nothing ever seems to stay perfect in Impar. Later into her teens, a war broke out, one over the fate of the rapidly growing population of inhumans- those who were anything but pure humans and Pokemon- versus those originally of the world. Arceus' side claimed that the rising population of those who did not belong was a bad omen, they only served to cause mischief and trouble for the one's who belonged, while Shimera praised the diversity of new life and defended the ties they'd established to the world- yet cited those who were originally there being the cause of all the trouble.

It was clear that both sides had become radicalized by the war, what once began as a simple quarrel to be settled by their respective guardians battling, turned dark when a too strong attack sent the Hero Damian spiraling into a ravine presumably deceased. No longer was this a simple disagreement, they both claimed the other side needed to be extinguished from the world with no compromise and would use force to do it. As the legendaries, the gods and goddesses of that world, chose their sides Noel thought it common sense to chose Shimera- to pick Arceus would go against her own existence, the existences of many of her closest friends and family that weren't originally of this world. It only made sense. That was what she had thought Landorus would see as well...yet, it did not turn out that way. He had chosen to side with Arceus instead. Effectively signaling that he intended to- if he won- sacrifice his own kin, she was heartbroken. For awhile she couldn't make sense of this, why would he turn against her? Deeply depressed and distraught she spiraled until one day that turned into anger- she was furious at him. Furious at the world. Furious at herself. Her anger cut deep, painting her outlook with a new light, she'd do whatever she needed to in order to protect her own, at whatever cost. Training hard to hone her skills, she turned into what she is today, a great soldier but much less of a human then she'd ever care to admit.


It's been a few years since the war- several long years since she had to fight for her life, fight against those she once considered her family. It wasn't easy to move into this next stage in her life, she had to do something she handn't done since she was vey small- live a normal life. Picking up the pieces she found that her talents lied on the battlefield, so she spends her days working off her excess anger with a sword, cutting down anyone foolish enough to raise their hand on someone weaker then themselves- a vigilantie of sorts. It was much easier to be alone for a long time. After all she had so much anger at the world for all that it had done to her. To her, she'd done terrible, unforigivable things in the war, things that she couldn't put on anyone else, things that plagued her in her dreams.

And then there was Isabella. She had been a general within Shimera's side, someone who fought alongside her and knew what it was like to have dealt with those things. Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis. Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa. Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus. Aenean gravida eu nibh id tincidunt. Pellentesque lorem mauris, cursus sed ligula eget, cursus posuere risus. Phasellus vel enim volutpat, sagittis augue at, condimentum ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent consectetur semper ligula, nec pretium tellus iaculis at. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus gravida pellentesque dui. Vestibulum vel dui sed odio vehicula finibus sit amet non mauris. Donec ut posuere dolor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam et nibh lorem.



Flint Harvey

[ Brother ]

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Quinn Harvey

[ Mother ]

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Winston Harvey

[ Brother ]

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