


6 years, 20 days ago

Basic Info








29 (in human age, idk how to do moons)


Medicine Cat


Fogbreath (deceased) and a cat I haven't named or created




Stonestike(father), Barleywhisker(brother)


(Sheepheart is an AU version of Chester)

|| Sheepheart ||

|| Creative, Thoughtful, Couragous, Emotional, Impulsive, Self-doubting ||

The kindhearted but often anxious medicine cat.

Sheepheart is a skilled medicine cat, but he is also very clumsy. He fumbles often, both physically and with his words. He has always felt a bit disconnected from his clanmates, even when his they assure him that they like him. Part of the reason for this is because Sheepheart was originally a warrior. 

Sheepheart was never a good warrior, the worst in the clan in his opinion. He would trip himself instead of his opponent while sparing, and a mouse could outwit him while hunting. He was the butt of every joke, both among the apprentices and his fellow warriors. Those who didn't make fun of him watched in pity, but usually didn't interfere. 

He'd actually wanted to be a medicine cat, but when he was being apprenticed there were already two medicine cats, Fogbreath and her apprentice Ratpaw. Fogbreathwas actually Sheepheart's aunt, and was almost like a mother to Sheepheart since his mother died shortly after his litter was born. Sheepheart also became close to Ratpaw the more time he spent with Fogbreath in the medicine den. Because he was useless on patrols and most everything else, he instead helped Fogbreath and Ratpaw collect herbs and do "medicine cat things". 

Later, Sheepheart got his wish to be a medicine cat, but not in the way he wanted.

The epidemic came, and it hit Ironclan hard. It took Fogbreath, Ratpaw, their deputy, nearly all the elders and kits, and many warriors. 

Since their leader Waspstar was sick during this time , Smokechaser  (a warrior but soon to be deputy) acted quickly in the crisis. Despite being a warrior, Sheepheart was the most knowledgable cat in the clan when it came to medicine, thus he was appointed as the new medicine cat. During the crisis, a clan that still had two medicine cats, spared one to help Ironclan (and to later fully teach Sheepheart everything that he needed to be a medicine cat).

After the crisis had been mostly averted, and Sheepheart had been the official medicine cat for a while, his clanmates started to belittle him less and started to respect him (but like... only some of them). Sheepheart never forgot their hurtful words though, and his self esteem remained fragile at best. Nonetheless, he greatly enjoys serving his clan as the medicine cat and is friendly with all of his clanmates, regardless of how they treated him in the past. 

|| Trivia ||

  • can talk about herbs for H o u rs,, though usually he gets embarrassed about it and shuts himself up because he's been put down for it in the past. Rabbitclaw however always indulges and enjoys his rambles. 
  • likes to keep his herbs arranged in a particular order and gets anxious when things are disorganized. However things are often disorganized cause he's so busy so he's just kinda perpetually anxious.
  • Since his clanmates rarely reassure Sheepheart about his place in the clan, he tends to only focus on when he messes up. Somewhere along the way, he's starting blaming the deaths of all the cats he couldn't save during the epidemic on himself. He believes he's responsible for their deaths because he is the medicine cat and that's like his one (1) job and he can't even do that right. The guilt weighs on him heavily.

|| Kin ||

Siblings: Windypelt, Brighthoney, Barleywhisker, Silvertail || Antnose, Weedeye || Copperkit, Goatkit

Parents: Rabbitsong(mother), Stonestrike(father)