


6 years, 13 days ago


Gan'i is a kitsune, a Japanese fox spirit that has become enlightened and granted immortality. Every 100 years, a kitsune is given another tail and more power. The maximum number of tails one can have is 9. Gan'i, being a 7 tailed kitsune, is exceptionally old and powerful. 

He likes to take the ema from shrines and grant the prayers written on them. Long ago, when the country was involved in a civil war, his own shrine was abandoned and left to be taken over by the woods, but he bares no ill will towards his believers who abandoned them. He understands that people are not perfect, and are sometimes pressed to make hard decisions in hard times. He believes in the good of everyone. 

Gan'i is an acquaintance of another kitsune named Akira. Akira has a very prosperous shrine, but tends to do nothing for his believers out of a mixture of arrogance and laziness. Gan'i takes special care to push Akira into doing good things for people, sometimes even using his age and the fact that Akira needs to show him respect as a means to get Akira to grant wishes and use his powers for good. Gan'i also sees how Akira is constantly fighting with another kitsune named Nuo. He believes Akira and Nuo make a great team, and tends to pressure them into working together, despite how much they hate each other. 

Gan'i likes meddling in the lives of others for good.