

1 year, 7 months ago



name scarlet
age 32
gender male
orientation pansexual
height 5'10"
weight 80kg
birthday 6th april
hobby biker
theme ( )

raised by? black
family red, maroon, crimson, carmine, claret
friends tangerine, purple, plum, navy, brown,
ginger, violet, pthalo [green], sapphire
enemies beige, tyrian

Extremely unstable and difficult to predict. The littlest thing can set him off and send him into a violent rage, and things that piss him off one day might have no effect on the next. He has very little regard for other people and often just says whatever comes into his head, regardless of how inappropriate it is. He is quite argumentative and has a habit of mouthing off at people for so much as looking at him funny. If he decides he likes you, though, he can be quite loyal and protective.

He has a big ego and is extremely confident - he is very certain of his utter infallibility, and he’s usually correct, though mostly out of sheer force of will rather than any actual talents. He likes to feel powerful and often makes it his mission to make others uncomfortable or scared of him. He has a lot of energy.

  • motorcycles
  • violence
  • breakcore/dnb
  • hypocrisy
  • feeling insecure
  • weak people

educated ignorant
empathetic logical
organised messy
honest insincere


Originally made as another Red variant, Scarlet ended up having the violent and hot-headed aspects turned up to eleven, plus a great deal more energy - which wasn’t really a great combo. He ended up living in a trailer outside the house because it was too dangerous to have him inside with everyone else, and he wasn’t particularly fussed about it anyway.