The Knight



6 years, 17 days ago



I will do my duty for the people of The Stage

The Knight is a thespiansona based on the thespians of The Shadow Stage on Tattered Weave. Devoted to helping The Hero, the ever-striving but ever-dying protagonist of the Stage's tales, she only wishes for the people of The Stage to be safe and free from the tyrant hands of the Narrator. Alas, she does not have the power to overthrow, so she does what she can to help the Hero, hoping that one day he will no longer forget who he truly is.

The Knight, true to her name, wishes to uphold the highest honor code possible- more than anything she wishes for all to be safe and happy, and for the people of the stage to be content. She feels deeply for the Hero, and it hurts her to see him return every time not knowing of all he has truly lost. She does not actively fight against the Narrator, though she wishes she was brave enough too, and simply works to help the Hero however she can (though of course not telling him of his memories, for that would lead towards bad things for the both of them.)

The Knight puts all others before herself, but ultimately she is a romantic at heart, hence choosing the rose as her emblem. She is often cast as a secondary character to The Hero, though a few smaller productions she was made as the main, though the focus maintained on fighting dragons and monsters and not on the romance The Knight truly would love to play. She still has not found love in her life, though she does dearly wish to find a Princess of her own one day.

Quick family infodump copied from discord I'm too tired to edit
-Her family is old and has always held the sort of second-in-command positions in terms of roles
-Roles are often Adjective + Knight- colors are most common, so Green Knight, Black Knight, etc., but anything can be used, depends on what type of role you grow into/what the narrator thinks you should be
-While most roles lean lawful good, some like the Black Knight or the Dark Knight, take up more villainous sides to the stories
-Children are known as Squires, and have appropriate masks for it
-Roles can change slightly over time, such a a Knight becoming The Elder Knight
-The Knight is the most prominent of titles, no extra descriptions necessary
-The fact that The Knight has that title is....not a good sign. Usually the prominent title is for one who has worked as a knight for many years, but most of her family may or may not have been recast after some...disagreements with story progression
Gala thoughts- just tossing in here so I don't forget- Was thinking last night about the Knight and her going to the Gala. And all the events with the Dragon and the kith turning on their allies would bring back all the past trauma from the Stage, most of her family being killed for bravely/foolishly standing up for justice, the constant vigilance of the stagehands. She couldn't break away from them, if she were to fall his wrath would continue to fall on her family, on the ones so young they did not know better. So during the events with the Narrator's removal she was too frightened (and in her mind too cowardly) to do anything other than watch and pray.
And she's still frightened during the Gala, absolutely terrified as she realizes not only the Narrator's return, but a new force of tyrannical power in The Dragon. But this time- this time! She gets another chance to do something about it. And it may be that she is only able to help in small ways- to organize supplies, to sit in on the plans, to aid those who have been injured. She's no Hero, but this time she won't rely on prayers and wishes when she's got two hands of her own to lend to the cause. And even if all she can do is break a single kith out of the Dragon's claws, it will be the first time she has truly been able to break the cage.
-idk who else may be left (if any) from her immediate family, will have to ponder more

【 Name 】 The Knight【 Gender 】 Female
【 Sexuality 】 Oblivious Lesbian【 Age 】 Unknown
【 D.o.B. 】 Midwinter【 Enneagram 】 Type 2w1
【 Origin 】 The Shadow Stage【 Race 】 Thespian
【 Role 】 Knight, Protector【 Theme 】 Music

【 Charisma 】

【 Kindness 】

【 Temper 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Maturity 】

【 Humor 】



The Hero (TW character)

[ Trying to Help ] She wishes to help her friend The Hero when she can, often the one who is there when he comes to after an attack from The Wolf. She knows it is his duty to die though, to maintain the sacrifice of the stage, but does not believe he must suffer unduly because of it, especially for the reasons that have been given.


Narrator (TW character)

[ Afraid to Rebel ] (Current Picture a placeholder) Would love to be able to stand up to the narrator, but feels powerless and simply works to help where she can without fully on Narrator's watch list. Still, she knows her spending time with The Hero has marked her in a way, so she restricts interactions with others to quick tasks so as to not put them in danger.
