Addie Wulf



1 year, 7 months ago




Member Since June 1982Last Login 06/26/1982

Full Name:Addie Wulf
Interested in Meeting People For:Packmates!
Status:Lone Wolf
Age:11 (77 in wolf years)
Psychadet rank:Psychic Scout
Hometown:Providence, RI
Psychic Speciality:Zoolingualism
Interests:Wolves! Howling at the moon, drawing, running thru the forest, talking to wolves, digging for tubers!
Favorite Music:Evanescence, Linkin Park, Three Days Grace
Favorite Books:Wolves don't read, duh
Favorite TV Shows:Any wolf docyumenterys!
Favorite Movies:The Wolf Man, An American Werewolf in London, Balto
About Me:I am 100% FULL WOLF okay? Just like my dad! I know I don't look like it yet, but thats why I have my ears and tail. YES I KNOW they aren't real, obviusly. But when my dad comes to get me and he shows me how to turn into a real wolf then you guys are all gonna be so sorry! I don't realy have a real pack yet, but thats why I'm gonna make one! And then anyone who says I'm not a real wolf will face our rath! So come find me out in the woods if you think your brave enuf!
Who I Want to Meet:My pack!


What people say about Addie:


Dogen, 06/12/1982:

Addie's nice to me. She can talk to animals too and she has special ears she wears a lot and thats kinda like a hat and I think they let her hear what the animals say but she can only talk to dogs but thats okay because I like dogs too.


Chloe, 06/11/1982:

Subject appears to be some form of animal hybrid; definitely not natural. Possible escaped lab experiment? Will maintain close watch for further research.


Elton, 06/10/1982:

Uh, hey Addie. Milka told me to tell you that she wanted to have a 'pack meeting' with you? She said to meet her 'in that place in the woods'. I don't really know what she was talking about but it seemed important!