Hally Silvertongue



1 year, 7 months ago


hally silvertongue, she/her

"You're following me. Again."

"I dunno know what you're talkin' 'bout."

The kraken Selrosvo sneered at her follower. Her left hand - her good one - wrapped around her dagger's hilt, tucked into the belt that was loosely sat on her hips. She gripped it, tight.

"What do you want? This is the fourth time I've seen you around here. Your ugly mug is always lurking in my peripherals." Amber eyes almost glowing with anger in the shadowy alleyway. A breeze, salted from the sea air and the Selrosvo in front of her, rushed up the corridor. She could taste the salt, the sand, the freedom. It had been too long since she had been out at sea.

"You're interestin', 'sall." The other Selrosvo grinned, as if they knew it would rile the other up. "It's a free world, you don't own these docks. I can do whatever I like."

They had seen the sparkle in the kraken's eye, when the wind had blown. The salty scent... there was no way this Selrosvo wasn't crewmate material. She obviously had a pull to the ocean. This was perfect.

"B'sides... I need your help." The words hung in the air as the two stared at each other, both expectant. The captain waited.

"Well?" The kraken snapped. "Help with what? I don't have all day, and I don't do charity cases. If it turns out I'm interested, expect to hand over a hefty sum of gold."

"I need someone to come piratin' with me. I owe someone a thing 'n' I don't exactly have it. So I need your help." They extended a hand. "'Else I'll drag you down with me."

The kraken hissed. "You're not even asking me anymore! This is blackmail!"

"Nuh, it's Black Sail. The name o' my ship."

Eyes glittered once again. The captain smirked.

"My ship... she's a beauty."

"Crap." Groaning, the kraken took the hand. "Lord knows I can't resist a promise to set sail."


Black sails flapped in the wind. They were looking worse for wear, with tattered edges and a couple of gashes, but they seemed to be doing the job. The air was brisk and tasked heavily of salt. Seagulls squawked and waves crashed against wooden hull. Hally exhaled happily. She felt at home. Not an ounce of regret sat on her shoulders, not even with the possibility of looming danger, or whatever it was that was going on with Captain.

"You look cheerful. The whole time I was followin' you I had only ever seen you frown. It's like the winded had blown by one day and your face had gotten stuck like that. Now look at you, almost smilin'." Captain grinned, a golden tooth glittering in the sun.

"Yeah well, you got me by my one weakness. Did you study?"

"Study you? No, not at all. You were just very obvious and easy to read. One whiff of salty air and you were practically prancing onto ol' Black Sails."

"Well, being on a ship is one thing. Adventure is another. I hope you have something fun in store for me."

"Oh you just wait 'n' see, Honeybunches."