


1 year, 1 month ago


Jack - He/Him - ???/Jackal(?)

Original appearance created and drawn by twinsharks

Snippet of the day of The Break from Jack's POV

Former guard from The Facility. Normally non-combative, uses defense and restraint instead of offensive skills, though he can fight when equipped with a weapon.

Listed as jackal species, but he's clearly not a normal one. What he really is was never disclosed, however. Confidential records that were destroyed in the explosion suggested the possibility that he's some kind of bound deity type. Suggested keeping him as an employee to secretly observe him and restrain him. He was aware of this, but never cared much about it. He playfully avoids clarifying to anyone who asks if the records were accurate about their observations. Many of the escapees are thoroughly convinced he is in fact a god.

He's intensely wanted by certain authorities as the main suspect in the cause of the explosion that took out the facility holding many of the now escaped experiments. He held a compassion and understanding for their situation and always preferred that they be free rather than suffering at the hands of overly curious scientists and cultists.

His magic revolves around restraint and defensive tactics. He has skill in fighting with a weapon, but prefers not to get into physical altercations. If he does, he usually opts for his trusty shovel. His magic is yellow in appearance, and takes the form of malleable energy, usually as a type of shielding or as rope when being used to restrain or bound a target. = His magic is renown to those who know him as being suspiciously impossible to break free from, even for the most powerful deity-clearance experiments. This is part of why he made such a valuable member of security in the facility, despite his own status as an Unknown Entity. That said, he's often using his powers to restrain the others if they get too hostile or lose their tempers, preferring his situations be handled calmly and will often leave them incapacitated until they calm down before he tries to resume conversation.

His age is unknown. His origin is unknown. Source of his powers is unknown, as is the extent of his ability, since he normally holds back and only in extreme cases will let loose with significantly stronger techniques.

His personality is approachably chill. He's a laid-back type who likes to keep things quiet but fun, and enjoys a good joke or prank once in a while. He'll tease the experiments on occasions they visit him at his graveyard, and simply chatter about everyday things and the denizens of the forest. He's generally hard to genuinely anger. He is a tad unhinged, and easily goes into a more playful and malicious state if he's pushed, or faced with individuals or situations he dislikes. He can get incredibly nasty and vengeful, but you couldn't find someone in a coherent enough state presently to confirm this.

Appearance notes:

  • Almost always wearing his jacket. Loves it. Do NOT damage it. He's learned to use his thread magic to repair his clothes.
  • His tongue is black! Surprising, I know. 
  • The yellow of his eyes will glow if he's out of control, angry, or actively using his magic.
  • Loves piercings and spiky/punk-style accessories. Normally wears 4-5 piercings per ear, varying in type. Has a black stud above his left eyebrow and 3 studs above his right, two black and the far right gold. Sometimes seen with a spiked, black band worn around the base of his tail.
  • While his jacket is just about mandatory clothing, his other clothing is preferred simple and usually a little beat up, visually. He wears dark grey boots. His jeans are usually a little torn up and vintage looking due to the wear and tear, and he prefers simple t-shirts that can either have graphics or be solid colors. Sometimes he doesn't even have a shirt under his jacket! That's just how it is sometimes.
  • When illustrating him using his restraint powers, it connects between his hands and he releases it at intended targets to bind them. When between his hands/fingers, think like a cat's cradle or twisting and winding in similar ways, when visualizing. It can look like this, or it can look like any other pattern or string-like visual, and is always connecting between his hands or fingers until released.