Latte (Cherry)



6 years, 8 days ago



Cherry is 1/2 of my... fursona... I guess?

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 19
  • Birth Date: 08/29/98
  • Species: Cat/giraffe
  • Height: 5' 5" (165 cm)
  • Other: Cherry fuses with Mocha to create Latte. Similar to Garnet from Steven Universe, Cherry and Mocha are a couple.

Appearance (Clothing)

Cherry wears an off-the-shoulder, loose fitting crop top on top of a dark magenta tank top. She wears jean short shorts, fingerless gloves, and combat boots.

Appearance (Anthro)

Cherry is a medium pink color with darker red spots in a typical giraffe pattern. She has lighter pink socks on all 4 of her limbs and the same pink rimming her eyes as well as three red dots underneath both eyes. Her fingers and toes are black. Her eyes are bright blue and her hair is a long and shaggy with a light blue color. Her nose is giraffe-like and her muzzle is a bit longer than the average cat, as well as being more rounded like a giraffes. Fitting with that, her tongue is a giraffe's purple color rather than a cat's pink..

Appearance (Feral)

Cherry is a mixture of a cat and a giraffe, meaning that she is very lanky and has long legs and a giraffe's tail instead of a cat's tail. Her neck is a bit longer than average, however, it doesn't stretch far enough to be considered unnatural. Her back two legs are hooved instead of having paws. She has a light blue fringe that drapes on the right side of her face.