


1 year, 5 months ago





Designer @ Sandling
Status Mine - do NOT offer
Link FA


Professor Calliun Stapleforth is a Biology and Physics teacher with a great passion for the, well.. physical approach to things - no pun intended. Quite PUNctual, eloquent and classy even, Calliun especially wants to showcase that hyenas are not neccesarely crude 'n crass, like a lot would stereotype them to be.

He adapted a strict on/off mode between his work and private life, even going as far as to adopt specific colour schemes for both 'modes' - Dying some of his hair red and utilizing more blue and purple colours in his outfits when at work, while dying some of his hair yellow when in private, with clear yellow and green in his outfits instead. In private-time, Calliun is usually found at raves and dance-related clubs, prefering the harder types of techno music.

Design Notes

  • Male Gray Spotted Hyena.
  • Softer tan fur colouring at the front from neck to crotch.
  • Darker face mask pattern, rather fuzzy on the edges and over the nose.
  • Allaround fuzzy/scruffy.
  • Very toothy, showing them protruding clearly even when the mouth is closed.
  • Spots all over the arms, sides, back, and legs. Only his front (his inner colouring) is mostly devoud of them.
  • Two noticeable spots are a big heart-like 'spot' on his left upper leg, as well as a smaller heart 'spot' on his right bumcheek.
  • Yellow/Black spikey hair.
  • (Optional) Dangling side-tongue.

Accessory & Outfit

  • Accessory: One orange/copper earring on the right ear, and 3 copper earrings on the left ear.
  • Accessory: Calliun loves dangly cords! - He has two small cords from the middle earring on his left ear, two danglies from his short little tailwrap and a cord around his neck with two danglies.

  • Outfit: Glowing yellow lights on the leather buckles on the armwarmers and legwarmers.
  • Outfit: Black faded/worn boots.
  • Outfit (Optional): Black sleeveless shrug.
  • Outfit (Optional): His belt is a metallic chain of square padlocks (Purely cosmetic), some with keys still left inside as well as some having his outfit's 'wasted smiley' symbols on them. (Not shown in ref)

Personality & Background

  • Calliun is a physics and biology teacher.

  • When at work he would be wearing a neat teacher's outfit, and dyes the yellow of his hair red. (Not shown in Reference).

  • When not at work, Calliun is usually found dancing at clubs, and 'going wild for the weekend'.

  • His name is not actually Callium, Calcium, Kalium, or even Pottasium. His full name is Professor Calliun Stapleforth. He might make you write it down multiple times when you get it wrong in class.

  • Punctual / Stern / Smart / Informative

Html code by Coywolfy