


Name: Sugarswirl

(Sugar- because her dads found it cute, -swirl for the twisting stripes on her pelt.)


GenderCis Molly, She/Her


Sugarswirl is a peppy and vain TideClan molly with an eye for beauty - and an eye for gossip. Born to two loving dads, she had a relatively unexpected life compared to most of her clan's hustle and bustle. The most she can think to note is putting on crocodile tears a few times during her apprenticeship to shirk her duties! And, really, who hasn't done that? (A lot of cats, Sugar.) She gained an ear for rumors and gossip during these "breathers", and as a warrior she is obsessed with the social games of clan life. While she's quite nice and bubbly, there is a mean streak under all her fluff. She's not above manipulation or false rumors to gain her favor, able to talk cats into her viewpoint with enough meddling. Ultimately, though, that's all she is - talk.