Lacie Blake



6 years, 2 days ago


This character is a work in progress. Information may be missing or incomplete.

Lacie Blake

Quick-witted and enthusiastic, Lacie doesn't really fit the image of either a tattoo artist or a pastel goth. She adores her job, and art in general, and aims to own her own shop one day, though for now she works under a slacker named David. She is dating Mikhail Kolzov, who can double as a walking portfolio of her work. Though art is her number one hobby, since dating Mikhail she has started getting into drumming.

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24 ✦ (Cis) Female ✦ Bi-Curious

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."

Mikhail Kozlov is Lacie's boyfriend. They met when he came into the tattoo parlor where she works to discuss covering up his self harm scars. She was the first person he talked to who was actually willing to do it and so he went back to her over and over. They talked a lot during their sessions and found a mutual love for music and dark fashions. They started dating about six months after his first tattoo and even now that he's finished covering his torso with ink, he still goes to the shop to hang out with her.

Simon Lowell, another one of Mikhail's partners, and Lacie do not get along. She thinks he's a dick (not unfounded) and he doesn't really care what she does. They're essentially just roommates, much to Mikhail's disappointment. Simon is easily annoyed by things like female nudity, and Lacie uses that to her advantage. But they don't fight with each other and keep their mutual dislike to a low smolder for Mikhail's sake. They both love him dearly and so they do their best to act like there's no hatred between them.

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