
They are a witch from a family of wizards. A long bloodline of conjuring magic weapons. Their mother was a strict and opinionated woman. Her father was much more of a gentle person. Ever since they were young their mother had trained them to fight, but once she discovered Natiel was a witch? The stakes became much higher. Thus moving forward from that point the training and weapons handling became much stricter and harsh. It may have been from a place of love from their mother, but to Natiel it made finding other things very difficult. They could understand math and such very easily, applying it to trajectory of an arrow or how far a sword would cut. But many worried for them with their combat oriented mind. The distilled paranoia and constant observations of all those around had pushed many away. 

As they grew, they eventually found a group of other witches. This group took them in when they were about 20, having them help overall with their skillset. They would conjure weapons for them and help any way they could. For them it was a wonderful group they got along with each other. The pay was incredible and everyone was happy together. As time marched on they would ask Natiel to do more, and to join in the jobs and for around 15 years they stayed with them in a tight knit group. But in the later of that time when they were busting up a place and as they left one of the others had triggered an alarm. It was around this time when they had injured their leg and the others kept going. They would have been caught if not for their familiar who helped them into an alley. They had to wait and listen to hear when they left. It only occurred to Natiel then, that their friends weren't a legal business they were stealing. And the other witches had been hiding the truth from them. They continued to stay for a while to help them because they were friends and they were sorry for leaving them behind. They continued with them because they thought that they might still be doing the right thing through wrong ways. It was after another couple of years that they realized, they were not. The other witches had sworn that the people they fought were bad and that they were just doing what they needed to. But when they asked Natiel to throw one of their conjured daggers.... did they realize no, most of these were civilians. This was wrong. Very wrong. They didn’t know how many people they killed that were innocent. That they were being paid to be an assasin for larger companies, they weren't helping anyone. They had went to confront their friends beliving they too had been misguided only to find that no, they were fully aware of what they were doing. They fought and it broke Natiels heart, thats how they had aquired the scar on their eye and their chest. The ones they had called friends had aimed for their heart and head. 

After this they had picked up and left taking what money they had left and they ran. They ran as far as they could go, to a place where their former friends wouldn't ever look for them. A place that they would hate living, somewhere hot. So they cut their hair short and started anew.  They had burried their weapons, and renounced all magic. They tried to get their familiar to leave telling it that they wouldn't talk to them if they stayed, and they wanted their familiar to be able to have a nicer life. It stayed, and Natiel had to stop communicating with it, how could they cut ties with magic if their familiar wouldn’t leave? They wouldn't be able to keep them safe or happy anymore after all......if they let them be then perhaps they can leave on their own accord. 

Its been a long 18 years since they have left. After a while they had gotten a job, able to be a janitor and taking other late and odd jobs. They can hardly cook and end up eating less and less with more frozen foods. Living a dead end job with a shoddy apartment with little to no one to talk to. Its miserable but its what they wanted they chose this. No friends and disconnected from their family, they are able to live unseen by the world fadeing into the background. Now to make up with work and charity labor for the blood on their hands.