


1 year, 4 months ago



in Shroud

The Exherited Expatriate
  • anemo.png Lotte
  • Lotte
  • Level X/90 X/216225
  • Female
  • September 1st
  • Fontaine/Mondstadt
  • Catalyst

The disinherited daughter of a family of famous perfume chemists. As mild and sweet as her favorite scent. She keeps the secret of her departure to herself as much as possible.

  • Extrovert Introvert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting


"It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance! I'm Lotte, and I'll do my utmost to support you."

Originally from Fontaine, Lotte has recently taken up residence in Mondstadt. She's equally at home making friends and chatting with others as she is staying in and enjoying quiet time reading by herself. Instead of lying, when questioned about information she doesn't want to share, Lotte will try to brush off the details and change the subject, or deflect. She is kind, sweet, and considerate, and has a deep love of reading and tea.

Rabbit-like traits--usually ears and a tail--run in Lotte's family line, and have for several generations, though it's unclear where the influence comes from. Along with her lop ears and fluffy tail, Lotte also has an incredibly sensitive, precise sense of smell, as well as good hearing and eyesight. Though she's not the strongest, she also comes equipped with quick movements.

Positive Traits

  • Kind
  • Organized
  • Responsible
  • Dexterous and Quick
  • Committed
  • Punctual

Negative Traits

  • Nervous
  • Frail
  • Naïve
  • Bad at lying
  • Obsesses
  • Low stamina


  • Tea
  • Reading
  • Flowers
  • Perfume
  • Window shopping
  • Baked goods


  • The Fatui
  • Mysteries
  • Loud noises
  • Hot and cold weather
  • Nighttime
  • Her parents


Lotte stands about 5'2". She has a thin waist and a small frame, but any sharp angles on her body are round and soft. She has short, pink hair and long, pink rabbit ears (lop) of the same color, instead of human ones. She also has a rabbit tail of the same color, though it is usually hidden under the skirt of her dress. Lotte has forest green eyes, a perpetual light blush, and ever so slightly pronounced front teeth.

Large, pink peony accessories decorate the spaces above her ears, as well as the right side of her second, sloping belt, right above her bag. The same belt is used for holding perfume bottles on the opposite side. She has suspenders that clip to her socks. She has a white leotard that she wears under her dress that has a petal-like top in front and a low-cut back. White tulle hangs from the bottom of the skirt of her dress, the back of her 'sleeves', and the back of her dress (in a bow-like fashion). Her Anemo Vision hangs on the front of her dress.

  • Hair #e39eb7
  • Eye #569420
  • Skin #e2c0b6
  • Color #644437

Design Notes

  • Lotte has slightly prominent upper front teeth.
  • Her rabbit tail is often hidden under the skirt of her dress.
  • Her lop ears are heavy, and don't raise very high. Though her emotions don't show in her ears too much because of this, they (and her tail) are still affected by her state of mind, and are fairly easy tells.
  • Though she has a thin figure, she has soft edges and has rounder shapes where someone else might have points.
  • The flowers on her head and at her side are peonies.
  • She has a constant, natural, light blush on her cheeks.


  • Lotte's best friend is her pen pal, Xingqiu. She's unaware that he's also her favorite author, under the pen name Zhenyu.
  • Lotte was more or less disowned by her parents when she left, but if questioned by the Fatui, they'd still claim her as their daughter. Lotte tries to secretly keep in contact with her older sister, Adelaide (Addy).
  • Her family's perfume company is known across Teyvat, and has been for generations.
  • Rabbit-like traits (ears, tails, etc.) are part of Lotte's bloodline, and they appear frequently in her family members.
  • Lotte doesn't have a lot of stamina, and she's physically weak, but she can jump, dash, and scramble with the best of them.
  • Lotte's Special Dish transforms a 'Minty Fruit Tea' into a 'Gentle Afternoon Tea'.
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Hop To It Normal Attack

Normal Attack

Sends a single burst of Anemo DMG towards her opponent, sending her jumping back and into the air from the force a little bit each time. Can be used sequentially as a 3-hit combo.

Charged Attack

What would normally be a directed burst of Anemo DMG is instead a small AoE attack that sends her bounding up and back in a small jump (not quite high enough to plunge from, but a significant amount backwards).

Plunging Attack

Plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in an AoE on the ground where she hits with Anemo DMG.

I'm Late! Elemental Skill

Lotte dashes forward in a straight line, dealing Anemo DMG to everything in her path and tossing them backwards a bit.

Aromatherapy Elemental Burst

Lotte unstoppers some of her perfume bottles between her fingers and showers perfume in the area around herself, spreading it with the wind and dealing Anemo DMG to opponents in an AoE, and creating an aromatic shield that looks like falling peony petals. The shield heals damage proportional to her Max HP once every X seconds for X seconds.

Odd Hours 1st Ascension Passive

Reduces the cooldown for I'm Late!.

Blessed Scents 4th Ascension Passive

Improves the healing provided by Aromatherapy.

Experienced Fragrance Crafter Utility Passive

When Lotte crafts a potion, she has a 25% chance to refund a portion of the crafting materials used.


Subtle Padisarah

Affects the attack speed of Hop to It.


Exquisite Marcotte

Affects the distance that I'm Late! tosses enemies.


Intense Sakura Bloom

Increases the Level of I'm Late! by 3.


Gentle Cecilia

Improves the shield strength of Aromatherapy.


Treasured Silk Flower

Increases the Level of Aromatherapy by 3.


Ambrosial Sweet Flower

Increases the duration of Aromatherapy.

  • Mappa Mare
  • Catalyst
  • Base ATK 44
  • Elemental Mastery 24

Refinement Rank 1

Triggering an Elemental reaction grants an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10s. Max 2 stacks.

A nautical chart featuring nearby currents and climates that somehow found its way into Liyue via foreign traders.

The Exile

2-Piece Set: Energy Recharge +20%

Flower of Paradise Lost

2-Piece Set: Increases Elemental mastery by 80.

Exile's Flower | Vibrant Pinion | Exile's Pocket Watch | Secret-Keeper's Magic Bottle | Amethyst Crown

Character Details

It's no secret that Lotte came to live in Mondstadt after leaving Fontaine, but she tends to change the subject when asked about her home life, or why she left. If pressed, she'll simply smile and say, "Where better to seek freedom than Mondstadt?"

Though she doesn't accompany him on every commission, Lotte has been an official member of Benny's Adventure Team since shortly after she arrived in Mondstadt.

After arriving in Mondstadt, Lotte sought out a place to work. She was originally going to apply for the Cat’s Tail because she liked the environment and the staff, but when she realized that it’s exactly the kind of place it would be obvious that she’d go, she inquired at the Angel’s Share instead. It helped that the owner had an outspoken dislike for the Fatui, as well. She now works odd hours there.

Lotte visits the Adventurer's Guild every day, asking about couriers and mail delivery. She doesn't receive anything most of the time, but when she does, she always looks happy, humming to herself as she hurries home. She is also a frequent user of the Komaniya Express.

Character Story 1: A New Home

Why Lotte lives in Mondstadt is something of a mystery. She appeared out of the blue one day, anxious but hopeful. "Visiting?" one of the guards had asked her. "Oh, no," responded Lotte, matter-of-factly, "Staying. For good, with any luck." A rumor quickly spread throughout the Knights' ranks about the strange, young woman who had immediately inquired about purchasing property, and had a slew of questions about life in Mondstadt. She was surprised to discover that the rules there were fairly laid-back.

Now, Lotte works at the Angel’s Share. She’s a well-liked server, though she tries to fly under the radar for the most part. She's happy to listen to customers’ woes, but always keeps her plenty of her own information close to her chest.

Character Story 2: Finding Her Place

On her first day in town after securing a place to stay, Lotte found herself quite lost, and ran into Bennett, who helped her get a lay of the land. At the end of what Lotte would later call a 'very memorable tour', she bought him an apple cider at the Angel’s Share, and ended up chatting with him late into the night.

The next morning, Lotte was waiting for Bennett at the Adventurer's Guild. "I'm not very experienced," she said, "But I'd like to help you on your adventures, when I can, if you'll have me." After a day full of maddening blunders, deadly traps triggered, and near-misses with monsters, Lotte sat with Bennett outside the domain as they bandaged each other up. As he waited for what he expected to be a polite rescinding of her offer, Lotte looked at him cheerfully and smiled, "That was exciting...please let me join you again!"

Character Story 3: Pen Pal

When she still lived in Fontaine, Lotte picked up a pen pal by chance. On the hunt for an out of print book, she wrote inquiries to many booksellers and enthusiasts, and eventually one of her letters found its way to a youth her age in Liyue Harbor, who was instrumental in helping her acquire what she was looking for. It might have ended there, but after only a few exchanged letters, the two became fast friends and continued to send each other mail.

It was on a rare trip to Liyue Harbor with her family a year or two later that Lotte got the chance to meet Xingqiu in person. They'd arranged to meet on her second day there, for her parents, her sister, and she were to attend an event being held by the Feiyun Commerce Guild the first night. Lotte and Xingqiu both had yet to divulge information about their families, and so both were surprised when they realized who the other was at the event in question. Lotte found herself quickly whisked away from the party and led on a whirlwind tour of Liyue Harbor at night. To Lotte, at least, the lengthy lecture her parents gave her the next day was worth every second that she'd gotten to spend holed up into the early hours of the morn reading together with Xingqiu.

Character Story 4: Family Line

Lotte comes from the Duval line, a family of famous perfume makers. Though she no longer considers herself a Duval, she was taught their techniques from an early age, and is a master of the craft in her own right. Though perfume is still her favorite thing to experiment with, Lotte's other major hobby is crafting tea blends, which she sees as a natural extension of her talents with perfume: both must be carefully crafted with natural ingredients and are both heavily associated with scent. It helps that she has a passion for each, as well.

Rabbit-like traits run in Lotte's bloodline, though they differ from person to person. Lotte's ears are the biggest of all her family members, and she also inherrited a tail, as well as a certain fleetness and an extraordinary talent for smell, hearing, and sight. Her nose is second to none, and she can pick out even the subtlest differences between similar scents. This comes in especially handy when she's dealing with ingredients for both her perfumes and teas. She can tell just by closing her eyes which sunsettias are the sweetest, and which snapdragons are at the peak of their bloom.

Character Story 5: Longing, But Never Regretful

Some months back, Lotte left her home in Fontaine, never to look back or step foot inside those gates again. Alone and scared, but determined, she traveled slowly, but safely, to Mondstadt to start a new life. Though she can never go home again, and is reluctant to even think about visiting Fontaine, she has made her way in the world and carved out a little life for herself. When she most misses her home in Fontaine and her sister Adelaide, Lotte comforts herself by taking a walk in the sunshine and thinking of all the wonderful things she has in her life now: working at Angel’s Share, adventuring with Bennett, and making frequent visits to Liyue Harbor to see a special someone are things she knows she could have never achieved without cutting herself off from her former life.

Though nervous to allow herself even a semi-permanent home, Lotte is careful. She avoids the Fatui at every opportunity, frequently changes her work hours, and travels on a whim to see her friends across Teyvat. She knows that it's possible she'll never be able to stop looking over her back, but every pain taken is worth it to keep herself and her loved ones safe.

Satchel and Perfume Bottles

Lotte often sports two belts--one for more traditional purposes, and the other to hold her satchel and several bottles of perfume. The perfume bottles, either nestled into specially sewn loops or attached by way of chatelaine, clink and rattle with every step, but with reinforced glass, she has no concerns about any of the bottles breaking. She carries her favorite scents on her person, as well as some she thinks might please whatever friend she has plans to meet with that day. Her favorite perfume and signature scent is made from sweet flowers, though recently, she's been developing a fondness for silk flowers, seemingly out of the blue.

The satchel at Lotte's side, embroidered with green thread and visions of leaves, holds little things she think she might have need of that day: a sewing kit, a small snack, bandages, and other things. Hanging right below the peony she wears at her waist, and often filled partially with herbs or flowers, the leather has a permanently sweet and floral scent.


The Duval family has been in business for several generations, and is well-known and well-regarded for their talents in perfume. However, the market was not always kind, and secretly, Lotte's parents almost fell into bankruptcy after a particularly harrowing year for their business. There were many things that could have been done, but in lieu of any other available option, Lotte's parents foolishly went to the Fatui. Their business survived, but the amount they borrowed was born of fear and greed, and it was quite an impressive sum indeed. In order to tie up loose ends, they decided to cut a deal with their debtors.

Adelaide, Lotte's older sister, was already set to inherrit the perfume business as its primary owner. Thus Lotte, with her rare hereditary traits and demure personality, was offered to the Fatui as collateral. A day came when Adelaide was away from home when their parents told Lotte the fate that awaited her. The Fatui were on their way to collect. Devestated and filled with a sense of betrayal and panic, Lotte--who usually would have meekly stood by and done as she was told for the sake of her family--felt the bonds between herself and her parents snap like a frayed ribbon. She excused herself, packed her things, and stole away that very night. The moment she set foot outside the gates of her home, a breeze seemed to rush up from behind and push her forward. The air was frigid, and bracing, and Lotte reached out her hands to grab hold of the Anemo Vision that appeared in the air before her. Even if it meant she had to run or hide, no longer would Lotte allow others to dictate her fate.


"It's a pleasure to meet you! My name is Charlotte, but please, call me 'Lotte'! I hope you call on me whenever you need assistance. Though I may appear fragile, I'll give you my all."

Good Morning
"Good morning~! I'm awake and ready to go! Let's hop to it!"

Good Afternoon
"The afternoon rays are so delightful! If you have the time, would you like to stop for a picnic? Perhaps I can entice you with some cucumber sandwiches, petits fours, and lavender tea?"

Good Evening
"The sunset is so pretty, don't you think? I wish it could stay day a little longer, though. *sigh* I suppose even the sun must rest."

Good Night
"*yawns* Ah, oh, goodness, it's so late; the time really got away from me today. Come by again tomorrow, will you? I'll make sure to have something new for you in the morning!"

"Happy birthday! I hope you have the most wonderful of days! I’ve prepared a special perfume as your gift--it's one of a kind, made especially for you. I've taken your favorite color, scents, and your personality into consideration. I hope it's to your liking."


Chat: Scents Abound
"Hm...sweet flowers on the wind, and...fresh grass...oh, yes, today is going to be a wonderful day!"

Chat: Pen Pal
"Oh, are we stopping for a bit? Perfect! I'll have just enough time to write a letter!"

Chat: Perfume
"The great thing about perfume is that there's such a variety to be had. Different scents can communicate so much about a person--what they like, or how they want to be perceived! What kinds of scents appeal to you?"


When it Rains
"What...? Rain? Oh, no...if this keeps up, my fur is going to get all wet...H-hydro dragon, Hydro dragon, please don't cry...!"

When Thunder Strikes
"Eep! Oh, gosh, that sounded so close...better be careful..."

After the Rain
"*breathes in and sighs* Don't get me wrong, the sound and smell of rain is pleasant, but nothing beats the sunshine!"

When it Snows
"Ough, brr, it's f-freezing out here...I wish I was at home with a nice, warm cup of tea...*sneezes*"

When the Sun is Out
"Ah, the sun is so warm! I could bask in it all day!"

About Lotte

More About Lotte
"If there's one reason I'm sad I left Fontaine, it's that I had to leave Addy behind. I'm very close with my older sister, and we can only communicate by letter nowadays. I miss her terribly, and I hope we can see each other again one day. ...My parents?, well...not every parent-child relationship is worth discussing."

Lotte's Hobbies
"When I came to Mondstadt and discovered the library, I accidentally stayed there one night until Lisa told me I had to leave! I was so embarrassed...I just lose all track of time when I’m buried in a good book..."

About the Vision
"Visions often represent different things to different people. To me, my Vision is a daily reminder of the biggest choice I ever made. The moment I walked through the front doors of my home for the last time was the moment my life changed forever. I don't know if it was the right decision for my family, but I'm certain it was the right decision for me."

Lotte's Troubles I
"Oh? The Fatui have taken up residence in Mondstadt, you say? In the Grand Goth Hotel? For an extended stay? ...Archons, you've got to be kidding if it wasn't enough trouble to watch my back outside the city..."

Lotte's Troubles II
"Yes, my name is actually Charlotte. ...Yes, I'm a Vision bearer. ...My hair and eye color? Wait, wait, stop, I know where this is going, and no, I don't work for The Steambird, and I am not a reporter. Your secrets are safe with me..."

Something to Share
"I think being a tea sommelier comes second-nature to me; I've always loved different blends, and it's easy for me to judge based on scent--which is helped by my immersion in the perfume industry. I struggled with perfecting the taste at first, but...I've got it down now, I promise! ...You don't have to give me that look; it may smell just as good, but I assure you, it won't taste like perfume!"

Interesting Things
"Oh, my ears and tail? Yes, they run in my bloodline, but they don't always look the same from person to person. I have lop ears, for example, while my sister Addy has smaller, very thin rabbit ears that sit on the top of her head! They're so cute; I'm very jealous...mine often get in the way, but I can't tie them back like hair. I have to say, they're also a pain when trying to conceal how I feel about something...I've been told that my ears and tail give my emotions away just as soon as I have them...ugh. ...You...want to feel them? I suppose that's fine, but please be mindful; they get very sensitive very quickly."


Favorite Food
"Any kind of tea, really! Hot, iced, flavorful, mild, traditional, infusion,...I love it all!!"

Least Favorite Food
"T-tofu...makes my stomach turn...that texture... *shudders*"

Receiving a Gift I
"Oh...oh wow!! Your cooking is just as good as Addy's! ...Oh, don't tell her I said that."

Receiving a Gift II
"This is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it with me!"

Receiving a Gift III
"G-goodness me...! Um...thank you...! I...don't know what to say..."

About Others: Mondstadt

About Bennett
"I'm so grateful for Bennett. He helped me adjust to life in Mondstadt when I had no one to rely on, and he really gave me the courage to keep going at one of my lowest points. I'm proud to be a member of his adventure team, even when the going gets tough. His optimism is encouraging, and he's taught me a lot about how to be prepared for all sorts of scenarios!"

About Diluc
"I've heard quite a few people say that Diluc is a little intimidating, but he's always been very nice to me. When I said I couldn't tell him much about my circumstances, he just nodded and said he understood. I always feel safe when he's working the same nights I am, and sometimes he'll offer to walk me home if it's late. He's like an older brother!"

About Lisa
"Lisa is so amazing! When I first came to Mondstadt and learned about the library, I ended up spending all day there just chatting with her! She always gives me good book recommendations, and she gives really good feedback on any tea blends I come up with."

About Sucrose
"I think Sucrose's experiments have very practical results! Her dedication and thorough methods are inspiring to me. She's helped me out before with ingredients for tea and perfume, and we spend a lot of time discussing the latter!"

About Amber
"Amber's so friendly and warm, she really helped me adjust to the area around Mondstadt! She even gave me a welcome gift after we'd spent some time together--a Baron Bunny with lop ears! I really love it, won't explode, right...?"

About Venti
"Oh, he comes to Angel's Share very frequently. I haven't spoken with him much, but he seems like the carefree type. Still, he must be a very good bard--he knew about a song from my homeland and sang it for me when I was feeling down one evening! It was very sweet of him."

About Kaeya
"He's Diluc's brother, right? He's at Angel's Share a lot. He seems really friendly and usually waves to me, but Diluc always puts me non-serving jobs when Kaeya's there, so...I haven't really spoken to him much."

About Others: Liyue

About Xingqiu
"Xingqiu has been my pen pal for many years! What? His handwriting? Oh, yes. Well, I admit that it initially took me many days per letter to decipher his writing, but I can read it at a glance, now! He’s my dearest friend and I love discussing literature with him. He's always been there for me, whether things are going well, or not so well. The time we get to spend together in person is precious to me."

About Zhenyu
"I do a lot of reading, but Zhenyu is my very favorite author! His writing is simply captivating! I wanted so badly to attend a book signing event, wasn't meant to be. Still! My friend Xingqiu was kind enough to give me a signed copy he acquired! He even had it made out to me! It's funny, because I got the impression that Xingqiu doesn't care for Zhenyu's writing that much... Maybe I'll be lucky enough to meet Zhenyu in person myself someday!"

About Chongyun
"I met my friend Chongyun when Xingqiu introduced us! Ever since I learned he likes cold things, I always come prepared with iced mint tea for him when I visit. After discussing it one time, we thought we might be safe from Xingqiu's teasing if we banded together, but...we mostly just get teased twice as much."

About Xiangling
"Xiangling is so sweet and considerate; she always keeps tofu out of the things she cooks for me without me asking or making fun of me. She's so much fun to go out and get ingredients with! She's always choosing the most interesting things to put in her cooking. I wonder if I should apply her technique to my perfume? ...Slime condensate would probably gunk up the stoppers, though..."

About Mingyu
"Mingyu is so sweet and insightful, and I feel truly blessed to have met them! I really look up to them. They helped me work through some important, personal feelings, and it's partially thanks to them that I know for certain I've put myself on the right path. I love hearing about their business, and all of the wonderful love stories that come from their matchmaking."

About Tamako
"It's so nice to spend time with Tamako! When it's just the two of us, she makes me feel like I'm back in Fontaine with Addy again. She understands so much about me even without us having to really discuss anything in-depth. She's like another big sister to me, and I feel so safe with her. I like it best when we take walks along the harbor together!"

About Xiao
"I...don't think I made a very good first impression on him, and it's so hard to tell what he's thinking...but he seems...nice? He doesn't turn me away, in any case. He seemed to like the tea I brought him one time!"

About Liyue
"Liyue is a spectacularly beautiful nation, and Liyue Harbor is my favorite place to be in all of Teyvat. Most of my closest friends are there, and I don't like making up excuses not to pains me to be even partially dishonest with them. But there's nothing to be done. With Liyue's strong, rooted Fatui presence, it would be foolish of me to think I wouldn't be inviting trouble into the lives of those I care about there. And...I can't let them feel as though they need to take responsibility for me. It would break my heart to be such a dangerous burden on those who have given so much to me."

About Others: Fontaine

About Charlotte
"Ah, yes...Charlotte. She's my cousin, born a while before me. As they tell it, my parents confided in my aunt and uncle what they planned to name their next child--me--several years before they had me, and when my aunt and uncle had their child first, they, ah, liked the name so much that they went ahead and used it. Not to be deterred, my parents stubbornly named me Charlotte, too. Unfortunately, my cousin and I look alike, as well, so I'm frequently mistaken for her at first glance... I prefer to go by Lotte for several reasons, but the fact that I share my name with my cousin is certainly one of them. Oh, um, we get along, though! I always look forward to seeing her articles in The Steambird!"

About Adelaide
"Addy is the best sister anyone could hope for! She's sweet, and kind, and beautiful, and smart! She's taken care of me since I was a baby, and she always kept me close when I was at home! We'd brush each others' hair, and stay up late talking, and sneak treats together, dance, make new perfumes...I...always thought I'd be able to spend more of my time with her, but now...oh. It's okay. I'm okay. Really."

About Neuvillette
"I don't really know him, per se, but my family attended one of his water-tasting parties once. At first I though it a bit strange, but he gave the the inspiration to try different water in perfume making! It's made a surprising difference. His senses must be very sharp!"

About Others: Extra

About Childe
"The first time I met Childe, I thought I was going to be in big trouble, and I mostly avoided him unless Tamako was around...but I've come to trust him. Out of all my friends, he was actually the one to teach me how to become a better fighter. He can still be a bit intimidating, but I'm very grateful to him."

About Tau
"Oh, have you met him? We had a bit of a rough start, but we're friends now. Tau's a bit of an...oddball, but I find him endearing. He's a nice person, really! He struggles with so many things, but he's always trying his best in his own way. He's really coming into his own!"


Feelings About Ascension: Intro
"Oh, am I...actually getting stronger?"

Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
"It's been a lot of work, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it!"

Feelings About Ascension: Climax
"I never thought I'd be this confident with my own abilities,! Look at all the progress I've made, hehe!"

Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
"I can't thank you enough for all your help and guidance! Even the Fatui don't frighten me anymore! I'm a brand new Lotte!"