


5 years, 11 months ago


  • Age [??]
  • gender Male
  • Hair Blue - Teal
  • Eyes Blue-teal
  • species bobtail Squid Cecealia mer
  • He is a merfolk. Unlike octopus, has 10 tentacles. He is based on the bobtail squid

  • Theme Songs
  • Write content here. You can write as much as you want, the box will scroll! Nulla bibendum lacus odio, in semper sapien rhoncus ac. Nulla aliquam bibendum nisl, et ultricies neque dictum id. Etiam libero ligula, faucibus non arcu suscipit, maximus aliquet mauris. Nulla mi justo, malesuada vel risus ac, malesuada scelerisque lorem.

  • Trivia
  • German name meaning Strong, Courageous / Farmer.


Resourceful, intelligent, crafty, tactful, resilient .

A man with killer instincts, alchemical intuition, and concoction prowress


He was raised as an orphan in a clan of assassins. His true name unknown and his family's whereabouts forgotten. He has always thought they weren't alive as the deep seas were difficult to survive and to console himself as to why his parents never came back for him and only left him and his siblings to fend in the waters.  

He learned how to create poison and kill others, but became targeted by other clan members and was poisoned as a result.

He meets Kaia, a sea witch doctor who saves his life. Indebted to her, he treads a new life hiding his past to stay by her side and protect her. 


3550799_ukA_968605.png?1525475293Kaia - Wife
   Due to her saving his life from poison, he owes her his life. Kaia took advantage of this life debt and thus forced him into marrying her, and becoming her errand boy and scavenger. She is unaware of the true past identity