
Name/Pronounciation: Terara Coalmi (T-ear-air-ah K-oh-l-me)

Nicknames: Tera

Age: 10.15 sweeps (22 years)

Birthday: 7/13

Species: Alternian Troll

Height: 5'7

Gender: Nonbinary (They/Them)

Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic

Significant Other: None

Family: Molemom (lusus), The Forgotten (ancestor, dead)

Friend(s): Wyvren Jarneu (owned by rainydaysrainygays), Roswel Radium, Mothis Cryptos

Occupation: Miner

Favorite Food: Candy

Hobbies: Gardening, singing. appearing on Wyvren's youtube channel

Fears/Phobias: Crystallophobia, particularly with clusters still in the earth

Addictions: None

Likes: dirt, cool air, boots

Dislikes: crystals, highbloods, heat

Strengths: fast, strong, nice

Weaknesses: nervous, easily intimidated, crippling migraines appear at random

Weapon(s): Pickaxe

Blood Color: Maroon

Trolltag: crystallizedMole

Quirk: v, w and m are all capitalized (WoW that's Very nice, please leaVe Me alone)

Dream Moon: Prospit

God Tier: Heir of Heart

Land: Land of Shards and Mud

Mutation: Technically a curse, but crystals are growing out of several parts on their body

Personality: They're very sweet but too quiet and nervous to show it, they live in constant fear of what their crystals will cause others to do when near them. They can also be a bit hotheaded with certain subjects like types of gems and metals when the other person gets them wrong.

Backstory: When they were younger, they were desperate to get a job and hastily agreed to work as a miner, ending up at the mine they currently work in. One day as they worked, they saw a small crystal and put it in their pocket so that they wouldn't lose it while working, when they went to pull it out later, they discovered it was missing. After a few days, they realized that a sharp pain in their side was due to a crystal growing from it, too fearful of what would happen, they left it be. Over the sweeps, more crystals appeared in clusters on them, as they slowly became more and more worried about what others would do once they were seen again, leading to self isolation through the mine work. They're now worried about how others will react to a maroon blood with crystallized skin.

Extra: Constantly tries to figure out what kind of crystals are growing from them, current belief is rubies