Agamemnon Drakos



5 years, 11 months ago


"Do you hear that ? That blissful silence when you shut your mouth."

NAMEAgamemnon DRAKOSSPECIESphinx variant (tiger + flamingo)
GENDERMale [AFAB]HEIGHT184cm - 6'0"
PRONOUNShe/himOCCUPATIONAntique dealer
AGE36 years oldVOICEProfessor Venomous
ORIENTATIONBisexualEXTRA LINKSAesthetic board and Playlist


+ Perspicacious, sharp-minded
+ Calm
+ Mature
- Cold
- Irritable, bad-tempered
- Apathetic
- Cruel, merciless
~ Draconian
~ Assertive

Agamemnon is a terribly draconian person, with high standart and an obsession over meeting them. Not being organized and meticulous is not possible when hanging with him- or else you'll have to bear with his bad temper. He's assertive and likes to have people listening to him and when he says something. On top of it, he's cold and apathetic, not exactly a gentle and warm person. He's also merciless, and border-line cruel. At least, no one can argue on one point : he's perspicacious; far from being stupid, and at least, at least he's collected and mature, fully able to take care of people if he ever puts his mind to it.


Following his rules
Meeting his standarts
Silence, quiet places
Putting people in complex situation
Riddles, enigma, questions and play of words

Disorganized things
Little sounds, repeative sounds...
Not being good enough
Loud noises
People in general with exception
Sounds in general let's be real
Interacting with people

Agamemnon has a rather pale skin, with olive undertones. He has slightly darker markings on his arms and shoulders, taking the shape of wide stripes. He does have some pectoral muscles definition, but he's rather lean and not too muscular. He has a rather thin waist. He doesn't like to have hair anywhere but on his face, tehrefore he shaves his body very regularly. His lower parts are tiger legs, with fur and paws, but they remain rather anthropomorphic. 


Agamemnon's hair is black and a vibrant shade of pink. The pink is natural. He has a short undercut, but the longer part of his hair is fluffy and wavy.

His ears are very evenly shaped, and he has two helix piercings on each side. Agamemnon has a thin, angular jaw. He wears a well trimmed beard and a glorious mustache.

His eyes are inclined toward the center of his face, and his iris have a vibrant pink color.

He has very large flamingo wings, his primary and secondary feathers are blakc while the others have the same vibrant pink color as his hair.

The fur of his tiger bottom part has a vibrant orange shade, with cream insides. His stripes and marking have a dark color, with slight pink-ish tones.


Agamemnon comes from a rich family from Greece. However, they moved to France before he reached his 10's.

It's always been complicated, both because of his personnal struggle and because of his... Bad temper. He's never been an easy kid, and it didn't get better when he entered teenagehood. He complied to try and be the perfect, noble woman his parent wanted him to be, he complied to fit in that really tiny mold to which he's never felt like he belonged. He accepted to wear a corset, to present as a flawless doll and symbol of feminity, but really early in his life, when he was about 17 years old, he figured out why all of this was wrong.

Thankfully, his family has been rather supportive even though it took a long while for them to understand. He got to start his hormonal transition in his early 19's.

As he entered adulthood, he discovered about the transphobia of the administration. He's been confronted by really unhelping people, but eventually he managed to change his legal name in the same year as he started his hormonal transition, at the age of 19. 

Life goes on though, and he didn't give up. During all these procedures and long process of transition, Agamemnon went to college and studied History of Art, a suject he's always loved. He was a brillant student, and did well. He started of with a licence in history of art and archaeology, and continued toward a second cycle diploma at the Louvre School.


With his newly acquired master and schooling in history of art, Agamemnon decided after a gap year to stop his full-time studies and open an antiquity shop. He became an antique dealer, taking his job very seriously.

He had some issues with the police after a burglary, but it settled down after a while, and he managed to focus back on his work. He only kept a rather deep hatress of the police force.

Nowaday, Agamemnon lives in his appartement in a nice city, and commute to his antiquities shop daily. He's rather irrascible, and doesn't really have any friends. However he does have several acquaintance, for instance people he met at the LGBT center and local Transgender Association.


Agamemnon can turn into a feral sphinx at any given moment. In this form, he's roughly the size of a big tiger.

Agamemnon can manipulate silence itself, shuting down anything he wants on will. This does include humans as well, and he can reduces someone to silence the way he wants.


  • He has hardcore misophonia.
  • He's not a cool dad at all for the most part.
  • He actually softens a whole lot around calm and quiet people though.
  • He writes poems.
  • He has a very fragile health and gets very ill very easily. 
  • He's a user of the local LGBT center. Rarely passes by, but he does when Kamiko asks him to, for the young trans masc. out there...
  • While he tries to hold it back, he does have... Some kind of low grade dad pulsion around young trans masc. He wishes to give them the guidance he didn't have during his own transition.

Skapii - Acquaintance

"She's not that bad, I don't need to make exhausting efforts to tolerate her presence."

Agamemnon met Skapii at his shop. The quiet kid was looking for shelter after a shower in the pouring rain. She annoyed him at first... But turned out to be tolerable enough. While he tries to avoid getting attached... He's definitely getting attached.

Floren - Acquaintance

"Oh, dear, now we're talking about annoying."

Floren is a volunteer at the local LGBT center. The ent is super energetic... and loud... and he thinks he's smart and fun... That's not really what strikes the sphinx, but he tries to tolerate him. That being said, he never answers to Floren's emails. Just for the pettiness of it.

Nevski - Acquaintance...

"H-hm. I only interact with him because I have to. He makes me uncomfortable. I don't like not being in control."

Yeah, Agamemnon will need the help of Nevski to help Skapii out of her situation. But that doesn't mean they're gonna get buddy buddy. The Sphinx doesn't like how in control the Gargoyle is. He doesn't like not managing to understand him. Most of all, he doesn't like how confused and helpless he feels around this man of faith, who's showing him you can get somewhere with kindness and compassion alone.

➳ ...


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