


1 year, 3 months ago



age 145

gender male

orientation aromantic

height 2,45m

build thin

race imphornah

role roboticist


Sintoo doesn't take serious anybody or anything. He tries to approach life with humor, sometimes making fun of everybody. But at this time, trying to be nice with people, perceiving everyone as potential enemies and fiding approach for them.

He likes warm thing, as every imphornahs do. His hobby is constucting mechanical puppets, in which he instills shadows - creatures who live in his chest and slowly destroy him. Sintoo doesn't really like humans, but anyway tries to behave friendly. A really good storytaller. But a lot of his stories are faulse. Good lier.

About Imphornahs and Sintoo's story

Imphornahs - creatures, who create their own world and live there. They're like Gods there, but these creature aren't more dangarous then a lion in other's world. They have limited skills and limited mana to use them. Also without full mana they can go out of a world. They have symbol between horns. There are one-symbols, two-symbols and three-symbols Imphornahs. More symbols - more talanted imphornah from it's appearing. Imphornahs can't die for forever after physical damage. Their physical shell will destroy and return to Imphah's world, and will stay there for 80 years, trying to recover. Everyone, who knew it, will forget about it's existance. But an imphornah can die totally after it dies mentally, so prolonged depression is fatal for them. If you want to kill an Imphornah - turn it's life into hell.

Talking about Sintoo, his life isn't that bad. After being in his world for a long time, he was a bit bored, so Sintoo decided to go to human's world. But suddenly, was caught by others imphornahs, who built their own empire. He became a robiticist, creating some mechanised weapon. Some of Imphornahs in this estate has servants-humans, and Sintoo wasn't an exception. He got a human, but later he noticed, that this human was an imphah in human's skin. She hasn't her own world, so she has to hide, preferring humans to imphotnahs. So they decided to cooperate, so they could escape from the estate.

Irko Relationships

Irko that imphonah who was pretending a human, and doesn’t have her own world. She is like a little sister for Sintoo, who is more active than him.


Himself Relationships

Loves with hot love. Ok, kidding
