
1 year, 3 months ago




Name Sunset
Age 192
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Species Fairy
Origin Summer court
Role Court leader and queen's mate
Generation founder

Leader of the Fallen Stars court, seeing as Ratfoot is prone to making bad decisions and shows no sign of stopping, Sunset is quiet, rational, and even-tempered above all. As a mage, he is powerful, and has branched out, not just from magic within other courts, but to learning rune spells as well. This quirk was accepted in the courts, because he was otherwise an upstanding citizen who did as he was told and helped his court well. Nobody saw it coming when he was swept along with the thieving Ratfoot to start a court of his very own.

Design notes:

  • Wings are slightly transparent
  • Wrinkles starting to form


  • Observant
  • Quiet and polite
  • May seem a bit spacey


A young prodigy, falling well into place, though a little much of a loner by fairy standards, Sunset dove into the study of magic at a young age, foregoing most of the more social, frivolous activities that a fairy can perform. Always wellmannered and amiable, the mage with chitin like the sun over the sea quickly caught the attention of the Summer court's upper layers. His studies were encouraged, and once he had learned all the Summer court had to know, the Summer Court mages made an arrangement to allow him to study the magic of other courts - for a price, of course.

Age 32 - Marriage

In return for being allowed to learn magic outside of his own court, the mage with chitin like the sun over the sea had to agree to go to a different court, so as to not give the Summer court an unfair advantage. As a well-regarded fairy who carried his duties out perfectly, and as a powerful mage with an even temper, but powerful magic, Sunset was assigned to become the spouse of the fairy with the little rat's feet. The hope of the Spring court was that Sunset would be able to keep Ratfoot in check, and failing that, could strike her down if she went too far.

Upon meeting, Ratfoot took one look at Sunset and said, "you'll do".

Sunset was surprised to find the alleged troublemaker to be much less work to handle than he'd been expecting. When not being chasticed, she was more than willing to listen to his advice on how to not get in trouble, and Sunset got to focus on his studies while Ratfoot did her thing. Under his influence, Ratfoot learned to behave relatively well on the surface, her troublesome tendencies considered curbed, and Sunset even found himself enjoying the company of his new spouse to a surprising degree.

age 48 - departure from the spring court

Fifteen years together is not much by fairy standards, but the mage with chitin like the sun over the sea and the spring fairy with the little rat's feet quickly grew close. Ratfoot often expressed her desire to start her own court, and Sunset gladly treated her like a queen in return for less trouble - though it was only behind closed doors, as Sunset knew the courts would not take well to such behavior between a worker and a drone. However, with a bit of creative maneuvering (and a bit of incomplete information and plausible deniability), Sunset managed to make the Spring court allow him to have children with his spouse, rather than the court Queen, as is the usual tradition.

When Sunset found Ratfoot in posession of a bracelet that had been stolen from the queen, his duty should have been to kill her. However, he refused - his reasons being that Ratfoot really was not that hard to keep happy, so perhaps her reasoning, that the courts were in the wrong, had merit. He told her that if she stayed, she would be killed, and him too for not doing it himself. Ratfoot simply scoffed and said it must finally be time to create her own court, then.

Sunset had not found that idea realistic, but his task had been to keep his new spouse out of trouble, and he saw no way to do that within the courts. So he set out alongside her.


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Ratfoot Spouse

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Spark, Oilwing, & Bloodheart Children

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Devileye Friend

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Bleedingwing Confidant

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