


5 years, 10 months ago



  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"If there is porn, watch it."


She is very sweet and caring. She would never hurt anyone and she loves to make people happy. She adores her friends, and her girlfriend GeSella a lot. She is very bubbly and fun to be around and is the life of the party. She likes to drink and smoke and she gets sappy when ever she does. She is also somewhat flirtatious and whenever she is single she likes to fuck around. 


She is short and very chubby, having a round face. She is a pale gray with black patches and freckles. She dyes her hair a lot though it is usually a blond/red color. She wears knee high socks with thigh suspenders and a baggy sweatshirt usually. She rarely wears pants, thinking of them as uncomfortable. She has a very unusually puffy tail and she keeps it well groomed, hating when it gets dirty.

  •  Ethnicity Anthro Cat 
  •  Residence   Denver, Colorado
  •  Job   Tattoo Artist 
  •  Sexuality   Bisexual/Polyamorus
  • ● Lives in a studio apartment with Sella
  • ● Soft girl
  • ● Has a girl preferance
  • ● Horny drunk who likes to shop and tell everyone how much she loves them
  • ● Loves sushi and anime and anything else Japanese related
  • ● Has a girl preference
  • ● Watches porn daily
  • ● 5'4
  • ● Play's video games 
  • ● Loves memes, particularly things like vine and tiktok 
  • ● Quotes "I'm already Tracer" on a daily basis
  • ● Has a VR headset 
  • ● Watches VR porn
  • Sella
  • Smoking
  • Porn
  • Food
  • Sex
  • Blankets/Pillows
  • Masturbating
  • Waking up early
  • Jail
  • Not orgasming
  • Hangovers
  • Seeing Sella sad
  • Being alone


She grew up in foster care, never having a steady home. She never met her parents and her childhood is mostly a blur. She met Sella once she was 19 and since then she has devoted her life to her. The two live in a studio apartment together and plan to get married at some point. She wants to adopt, hoping to save a child of growing up like she did and give someone a steady home instead of jumping from family to family.


Sella GeSella is Sandra's long time girlfriend. The two are very close and invested in each other. They plan on getting married at some point and currently live together in a studio apartment.

Jenna Jenna is one of Sandra's oldest friends. The two lived in the same foster home together for about 2 years and formed a strong bond.

Zena Zena is Sandra's ex. The two still get a long and talk somewhat. They don't talk much but still care for each other in a way.

Sandra is one of my first characters and one of my oldest. She is dating Sella and out of all my characters she has the most art. 

profile html by Hukiolukio