Cooper Davies



1 year, 2 months ago

Basic Info






20 Character Questions:

1) Did they attend high school or university? He is in high school currently in year 12.

2) Favourite book?

3) Favourite movie?

4) Who is their closest friend? Their name is unknown.

5) What do they fear? He fears what he will become, he’s scared of completely turning into a plant one day and never coming back.

6) Introvert or extrovert?

7) Any nicknames? None known.

8) Hobbies? He sometimes enjoys playing some tabletop games.

9) Do they have any allergies? No allergies.

10) Favourite food? Bacon or sausages. 

11) Have they ever been bullied or teased? He never had been teased or bullied before late year 12 in high school by the one person.

12) Where do they go when they’re angry?

13) Do they have any pets? No.

14) How do they respond to disappointment?

15) What do they do to comfort themself?

16) More optimistic or pessimistic? He can be a bit pessimistic at times.

17) Any injuries? Because his ability is to grow plants off of himself if the plants are cut at all it will leave a wound in the area the plant came up from.

18) What smells do they associate with their childhood?

19) Do they have any strange habits or little quirks? For some reason he refuses to eat fruit or vegetables and has a diet of mostly meat.

20) What kind of accent would they have when they speak? He has a somewhat english accent