


5 years, 10 months ago



Name Deeppaw
Age 12 moons
Height 9.3 "
Species Feline
Gender Male
Pronouns he/him
Orientation Pansexual
Relationship Status Single
Rank Apprentice
Theme [song]

Status NFS
Designer KawaiiNoodles
Worth [0$]


Deeppaw is a very thoughtful cat and always likes to let his thoughts run free. He is somewhat of a daydreamer and loves to keep his head in the clouds. However, this makes him quite absent-minded, so he can appear scattered-brained to some cats. Also, due to his thoughtfulness, he tends to overthink, which cause him to be anxious and makes him doubt yourself. Once you get to know him though, he is a very sweet cat who always tries to show that he cares.

Deeppaw isn't necessarily bad at keeping secrets, he just is bad at picking up social cues. He doesn't grasp nuances as well as others, which leads him to spill secrets. If someone went up and said "Hey, this is a secret, don't tell anyone." He wouldn't. But if he isn't told it's a secret, he might end up spilling it. Basically, he sometimes needs to be told the obvious.

Design Notes

  • Deeppaw has light grey, medium length fur.
  • His markings are a stripe of dark grey running down his back and tail and dark grey mittens.
  • He has a medium length, but fluffy tail whose tip is a dark grey like his markings.
  • He has deep blue eyes, hence his name Deeppaw.


  • Maecenas ullamcorper erat et sollicitudin facilisis.
  • Nullam sed tortor varius, viverra leo id, interdum felis.
  • Suspendisse hendrerit lorem hendrerit fringilla tempus.
  • Cras ultricies nisi eget ex laoreet eleifend at sit amet nibh.
  • Maecenas mollis ante vel odio sagittis consequat.


Deeppaw was born to a loving mom and dad, named Songbreeze and Icethistle respectively, and had a pretty normal childhood. Sure, he was a little weaker than the rest of the kits, but it only meant that he would be apprenticed a little later. But then, it happened.

The day before his ceremony, something happened while his mother was on patrol. She was killed near the borders. The leaders ruled it as a terrible accident, but Icethistle was convinced it was Deeppaw's fault. He started to neglect his son, and when Deeppaw tried to reach out to his father, it usually ended in abuse. This led him to his nervous nature and bad mental state.


  • Walking through the forest
  • Snuggling up to others
  • Nighttime 
  • Fall
  • Looking up at the sky (Specifically at the stars


  • Disappointing people (It's one of his greatest fears)
  • Getting in trouble
  • Fighting
  • Oak trees
  • Blood
Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum at lectus in ex pellentesque mattis ut laoreet ante. Mauris nec orci elit. Ut eget tellus eget ipsum porta condimentum. Etiam rhoncus bibendum blandit.