Tanana (タナナ)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

keroncommand Global Rules
Obtained designs may be traded, altered, or resold, but cannot be resold for higher than original purchasing price unless significant material of good quality has been produced for the design, and only after appraisal by me. Credit must be given to Keron Command as the original designer if reuploaded. If ownership is transferred, all images, alternative versions, and other derivative works of the design must be transferred as well. It is not permissible to create derivative designs of this design and sell / trade them for any amount / material without also transferring ownership of the design the derivative version is based on. See description @ https://toyhou.se/keroncommand/characters/folder:3250676 for most up to date TOS