

5 years, 10 months ago


The Chatal are both revered and despised for a great many things. Once a culture of grand yet superficial beauty, now reduced to old bones and hollow ships. The collapse of their empire is kept as a cautionary tale to modern galactic civilization. The few left standing today swing the balance between being hunted by old enemies and being feared by many for their terrifying potential.


In the height of their power, the Chatal's technology was sufficient to mold an individual in entirety right from the womb. Designer children, enhanced plastic surgery, and handcrafted psychic powers were once the norm. They kept their technology close to home, sharing nothing of real value with society at large. The Chatal's life was once easy and carefree, with many of them living on communal ships that were exclusive to their own species and rarely mingling with those outside. They carried a reputation for being brilliant but fickle, dangerously vain and self obsessed.

Their great advances in science did not go unnoticed by other powers, and various situations caused tensions to flare continuously after every small, immoral misstep committed by their government. Rumors of illegal experiments on captives, countless allegations of minor infractions of galactic law, and strings of scandals colored greater society's perception of their culture. The Chatal eventually managed to crack the secret of time travel, a truly dangerous idea that could allow them to reshape history, and in a wild panic other nations descended on them to claim the limitless potential for themselves. A bloody war spiraled on for over a decade that ended with nothing but smoke and wasted potential, as every article of technology and piece of documentation had been gradually destroyed to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Despite having sacrificed their dangerous technology for the greater good of the universe, the Chatal developed a much greater problem. Over 90% of their species had been afflicted with sterility, an effect of the experimental biological warfare techniques utilized by the =====. Their numbers were already decimated as a result of the many conflicts, and they were left largely unable to reproduce.




Almost all modern Chatal children are likely to have had a similar childhood. Massive shelter camps with proper amenities were constructed during the high point of the war, and all children and non-combatants were gradually filtered into them for protection. The children of most camps lived a sterile, but altogether rather comfortable life, but with a fractured government and the greatest landmarks of their society destroyed, no one is truly sure what will happen to them when they must someday step out into the larger world. The galaxy has become a rather hostile place for the Chatal, as a deep resentment formed between them and the many other species that lost lives attempting to seize their power. Many Chatal attempt to hide their identities, hiding beneath cloaks and living on the edge of societies, as the adults still find it very difficult to relate to other  cultures.

Chatal greatly value their self expression and individualism, and most carry leftovers from their old culture of physical perfection. Even Chatal born after the golden age of gene altering carry on the manicured legacy of their parents. Chatal are often extremely judgmental over physical defects, and have a habit of sticking their noses up at other species for appearing lacking in some way.