Mooncat | Ea'de vie



5 years, 10 months ago


Name | Ea'de vie
Gender | Female

Class | Mystic
Weapon | Ivory Bow

Lives | Lucait
Job | Aromatherapy (?)

  • Ea'de vie's name is a play on "Eau de vie"; A type of colorless fruit brandy.
  • Ivory Bow | Passed down through her family for ages. She doesn't mind that it's ivory and is ok with the trade, as long as the ivory is harvested right (ei; after death).
    • Fun fact! I actually do Archery and go to a yearly contest.
  • Mostly sticks to living in Lucait; Ea'de won't hesitate to travel for what she needs or to help in battles.
  • Aromatherapy | She mostly uses her skills to focus on if a warrior is still restless after the battle scars have healed.
    • Besides Amromatherapy, she also likes making bath bombs, soaps, and candles.
    • Always trying to find new compact ways warriors can clean themselves while out in the field. (Fur powders, teeth powders, etc.)
  • She shares all of her piercings/scars with me. | Left; Industrial, second hole, tunnel and lip. | Right; Eyebrow ring and scar, second hole, tunnel.
NOTE | If you want to hear how her name is said, go to "Google Translate", put "Ea'de vie" in the English side, then press play. ["Eed-v-ie"]