


Name Pronunciation

Grizzly Bear


Sexual/Romantic Orientation
Bisexual Demiromantic



Killing and torturing people

Collecting teeth, claws, and rocks

Making necklaces

Climbing trees

Star gazing

Sense of Smell: Scourge has a very strong sense of smell that he uses to track down basically everything. He can catch scents from up to 20 miles away, and can also recognize people just from their scent!

Physical Strength: Scourge is very muscular and strong. He uses his strength for all sorts of things, but mainly for killing his victims.

Bravery: Scourge is a very brave individual. He is able to stay pretty fearless in most situations, and he is willing to take some major risks.

Curiosity: Curiosity was another thing that really got Scourge to where he is today. He is not afraid to explore everything and anything, and he sometimes makes important discoveries this way.

Perserverance: Scourge is quite determined when it comes to certain things. If he really wants something, then he's not going to stop at anything until he is atleast somewhat satisfied.

Sight: His sight really isn't the best, especially since he only can see out of one eye. This is one of the main reasons that he relies on his sense of smell in order to find people, and navigate.

Hearing: Scourge's hearing isn't so great either, also due to the fact that he only has one ear. Also another reason he uses his sense of smell.

Mentality: Scourge is mentally damaged to say the least, and he can be a complete psychopath at times. Sometimes this causes him to do things that he either regrets in the long run, or sometimes he'll just end up hurting Tao without even intending to. He also suffers constantly from his many mental disorders.

Cruelity: He is truly a cruel individual. He could care less about how horrible or wrong something is, and when he's killing someone, he feels no sympathy for them at all. This weakness just makes him a cold individual in general.

Sadomasochistic: Sadomasochism can be considered a weakness for Scourge since he can take it to an extreme. As a sadomasochist, he loves to inflict pain onto others, but he also finds pleasure in pain being inflicted onto himself. Scourge can take the sadism side way too far and end up seriously injuring or even killing people unintentionally, and he can take the masochism side too far and get himself seriously injured as well.





Veterisan Syndrome

Severe Depression

Severe Anxiety


Bipolar Disorder






Tao ( Boyfriend )


Desmond ( Father )

Desmond is Scourge's abusive father. Desmond neglected and caused a lot of physical and mental harm to Scourge when he was a young cub. Desmond would often use Scourge as his subject to test his robots' fighting abilities on. He was a literal punching bag. Desmond would also board up and block Scourge in his empty little room, and keep him isolated away from everyone. When Scourge's mother died, Desmond hardly showed any remorse for him, and he became a bigger danger for poor Scourge at this point. These days, Desmond occasionally sabotages Scourge whenever he's bored, or he'll occasionally send robots his way just to test them out. Now that Scourge is much stronger than he was when he was a scrawny kid, he dreams of killing his father one day. He's just waiting to give him the most horrible, and most painful death that he's ever given to one of his victims. Clearly Scourge's relationship isn't good with his father at all, and these two can officially be considered "Arch Enemies".

Zaphara ( Mother )

Zaphara was Scourge's beloved mother. She would do anything in her power to protect Scourge from Desmond, even if it put her in harm's way. Zaphara was a strong woman who was known for her bravery and protectiveness. She would keep care of Scourge when he was a cub since Desmond wouldn't. Zaphara unfortunately passed away after overdosing on antidepressants. It was most likely a suicide. Living with Desmond was literally a personal hell for her, and she just couldn't handle it any longer. Unfortunately, this left Scourge alone with his father. After Zaphara died, Scourge was no longer able to see Tao until they reunited in the forest ten years later. This was due to Desmond locking Scourge away all those years. Scourge is still deeply wounded by his mother's death, and he thinks of her often. He rarely brings it up though, because it is a sensitive subject to him. He blames Desmond for her death, despite Desmond saying it was Scourge's fault. Scourge made a memorial in the deep woods for his mother, since he will never know where she was really burried. He visits this on occasion.

Discord ( Grandfather )