


1 year, 1 month ago



  • Deni
  • Half Rabbit
  • Genderfluid
  • 26
  • 5'8
  • Poly Bisexual
  • 𝓓𝓮𝓷𝓲
  • Japan
  • Any Pronouns
  • 14/9
  • Apple Flower
  • Book Editor

Deni is a bit of a nerd, enjoying and exploring creative fields.


  • Fruits
  • Baking
  • Books
  • Video Games


  • Coldness
  • Grammar Mistakes
  • Insects
  • Laundry


Deni's an introvert, choosing to keep to themselves and spend their time in their hobbies. Sometimes they get absorbed into video games or books for hours at a time, leading to a little bit of forgetfulness when it comes to taking care of themselves.



Deni grew up on the outskirts of the big city, befriending Ci up until she had to leave. They were never particularly close with their family, usually being left alone as they would get the best grades in the class and took on optional communitywork by helping out at the local library.

After graduation, Deni staretd to struggle, spending most of their time and money on video games. This addiction lead to them neglecting their body, refusing to eat or do anything for themselves for a few days at a time. Deni was very aware about the toll it was taking on her and decided to make a change for the better; going out and taking up new hobbies like baking that she would have reason to eat. During this time Ci also reached out and created a positive space for Deni to escape to whenever they wanted to.



Mei • Pet •

"Mei is the sweetest little thing! I watch over her when Ci gets too busy and I think she likes me. I like to read stories to her before she goes to sleep, though I'm not sure if she understands anything...."


Ci • Girlfriend •

"Ci was my childhood friend and I'm very glad we got to reconnect. She got me out of a very dark place and even though I'm not sure how to express how grateful I am for her help, I always make sure to be there for her and bake new desserts for her to try. She never fails to impress me with the clothes she's able to design - she's so talented!"