Shion Arestes



8 years, 4 months ago


Turn the key and wind it up,
this is a song for the Oto-chro.
Pour some tea into a cup,
and then we'll watch the fires glow.

In a kind, warm parlor,
where soft music plays,
She treasures him with ardor
’til the end of days.


Shion is a Spade (♠) Oto-Chro. Basically, he's a robot that feeds on music and emits resonance from his ears that affect the mood of those around him. His owner’s—and thus his—favorite music is classical, particularly that of Mozart. The silver part inside of his ears is supposed to resemble a sound speaker. His symbol is the Spade suit, so his ears and tail are supposed to be Spade-shaped. He is quiet and thoughtful and kind. 

Shion's image song is Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550.


Keywords: kind, hopeful, logical, childish, lonely

Shion has a child-like logical process, so he operates on a strange code of ethics that others may find odd or frightening. Once he's come up with or has been taught a rule by his master, he will rethink everything else to fit that. He is kind, but singularly attached to his master. He is quiet and shy, but stubborn once he's decided on something. Gets lonely easily.


Shion's master is a kind young woman. While friendly and nice, there is a tinge of sadness that colors her mannerisms. Shion was purchased by his master in order to help her cope with the death of her son. She was a teen mother and her son died of health complications at a young age. Thus, Shion's relationship with her is more like mother and son, though he doesn't actually refer to her as "Mother" or anything like that. They are very strongly attached to each other and he has never spent more than a few minutes away from her. There is a made-up song that his master's son used to hum that Shion is still trying to figure out since his master herself no longer remembers exactly how the tune went.

Over time, Shion has become obsessed with finding the answer to the question: "How can a human live forever?" He will do anything to find out, including experimenting on or aiding in the experimentation on humans and other Oto-chros. Shion is terrified of his master passing away and leaving this world. While he still follows the Three Laws of Robotics, Shion overrode his base code in one important way: people other than his master don't count as humans. He exploited a loophole in the wording and is now able to harm other people or let them come to harm without breaking down.

His tertiary goal (behind finding eternal life for his master and figuring out the mystery of his master's lost song) is to find a way to override the third law saying that he needs to protect his own existence. If he cannot find a way to let his master live forever, Shion would rather break down first so that he never has to be without her.

Shion is regularly harassed by Tsubame, another Oto-chro. They clash because Shion believes in and loves his owner, whereas Tsubame believes that owners in general are bad people and not to be trusted. Shion's positivity irritates Tsubame, who wishes to show him the true harshness of the world.