Lucid Chevron's Comments

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Howdy Kiarla! This design was purchased and already has a home- I'm just waiting on the user to accept the Ownership Transfer @_@' Thank you for the offer though!

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GONNA try my best, if you see anyone tagged EO youd trade for them lmk !!!
(i MAY let go of someone tagged XXX depending on who you're looking at.)

Heyo! I didn't see anyone I'd trade THOUGH do you have a USD value on this tiny guy?

not an exact one but from what i know from their original creator $20+ !! ^_^ 

They're beaaaautiful. <3 If I have something in my TH that catches your eye, leme know. (Not ikkit.)

OUghoguhogheoghe Heya Anya! I did look but didn't spot anyone I know I'd use ...thooough, do you have a usd price on Krampus? :o Might be interested in getting him as a gift for a friend.

I'd take the bare minimum of 25$ for them, I don't use them. <:

**Edit: Unless I could convince you to trade. >o> But I understand financial needs, so no worries!

Could I actually go ahead and snag Krampus from you for the 25 :o If my friend don't want him at least he looks fun to draw.

yis. [email protected] is my paypal.
