


1 year, 1 month ago


Alice is a fox toon who has turned a new leaf. Through her accident that left her with robotic limb replacements, she felt less accepted by her fellow toons. Like they looked at her as something else. When she saw her first skelecog, she felt a sort of revelation. Her arms were the same, built from a scrapped or defeated cog in the past. She also felt a kinship with these creatures in a bizarre sense. No cog judged her for her differences, or lack of humor that her fellow toons have.

She no longer felt like she belonged, struggling to recover from everything. And so, after saying farewell to her best friend Willow, she left in the night. Alice joined the sellbots, with quite a bit of confusion and questioning her loyalty, but the fox proved herself quite the businesswoman. She climbed the ladder a few steps, hardening further and feeling more belonging than she had before. She felt connected.

Unfortunately, it seemed, others could not move on from the fact she was a toon. Her old friend Willow tried to rescue her, and the fox had to explain that she was happy now.

"But you're a toon" Did not phase her. She was a toon in blood alone, nothing more.

Alice is a sellbot. Her species does not matter. She is who she is, and she is happier than ever. Who cares about the rest.