Raja ☆



5 years, 10 months ago


Worth: $25


  • Class:: 
  • Prototype
  • Standard Quirks::
  • Long Tail (Silken)
theme credit | vom


Name Raja
Age adult
Gender  male
Species Werewoof- cs by sakokii
Role crown prince 
Theme Song link
Theme Song link

Raja is just a crown prince by title but has a full power in his father’s kingdom after his disappearance three years ago. He acts as a reigning king despite not being one yet, and actively searches for any sign of his father while attempting to please the nobles and avoid outright civil war.


  • crocheting- Since he was a child, Raja always had very little time for himself and he was rarely allowed to have some free time to play. Every second of his life was occupied by something studying something important- all the skills he’ll need in the future. He tended to get very anxious and stressed easily and the hobby he picked up by a chance helped him to calm down. He loves crocheting but keeps it a secret. During the colder days ,a few cats which occupy the palace may be spotted sporting colorful, crocheted jumpers.
  • oranges, meringues and truffles
  • dancing- is better at it than playig the violin. Raja is very good at memorising sequences, so he is rather happy that he remembers all the steps.
  • reading and studying .


  • watermelons- a popular dessert for summer and funerals. With the frequency the nobles tend to poison each other, Raja ate enough of these for a lifetime. His mother died of poisoning after eating a watermelon during one of such funerlas.
  • playing the violin- When Raja was a child, playing the violin was considered by the court to be a very fashionable pastime for a child and suitable one for the future ruler. However, Raja possesses no talent for this instrument and the classes he was taking for over ten years were a torture for him and his teachers. He always found it funny that whenever he was playing in front of a larger number of people, everyone acted as if they were amazed by his playing and treated Raja like a genius. Their dishonesty amused him.
  • crowds
  • noise, loud music



  • hard- working and determined
  • introverted
  • good listener
  • princpled

  • overly perfectionistic
  • has very high expectations of himself
  • prone to burnout
  • easily stressed and worries often


Raja, despite being the heir to the throne had fairly peaceful childhood- shortly after his mother’s death, Raja was taken by his aunt Anya to the country, away from the busy life in the palace. He grew up there, spending most of his time studying, hoping to take over the armies after Anya and leave handling the court to his cousin, Otto.
His father married the princess Irmine of one of neighboring countries shortly after death of his first wife, what ended the long occupation of southern borders by that nation and their allies.
The king’s disappearance happened at the most perilous moment- with Irmine gaining more power and civil tensions rising someone who had a title which could make the nobles think twice before allying with her. Lady Anya, Raja’s aunt had to pull away her nephew from his academic pursuits and with her help Raja managed to stave off the brewing civil war on the west and impending invasion from one of their neighbors on the south.


-Raja’s country is very small and heavily divided due to different lords trying to give each of their children a bit of land property over the ages. As a result- even one city can be owned by several different families. Raja's father disappeared shortly after trying to pass a law guarding against further division.
-He was very self-conscious about the mole on his face when he was growing up!
- He used to have three cats called: Orange, Meringue and Truffle
- Raja's sight is not the best
-Raja likes romance novels very much- he hides them under the floorboard. He sends one of the maids to buy new ones regularly- she dutifully keeps this a secret, probably becuse of the frequent pay raises


Anya  [ aunt ]

Raja’s aunt, with whom he spent most of his childhood. Since being a small child, Anya was known for her intelligence- which was highly valued in the heir to the throne. However, after many years even with mastering the mechanics of courtly intrigue, she had to give up her position to her younger brother in order to be able to lead the army- something she couldn’t do still bearing the title of the crown princess.
After Raja’s mother died she and his father was busy trying to appease the court she took Raja with her to her home away from the capital city- she was the one responsible for Raja’s education and upbringing and even after many years, he still sees Anya as his closest friend and ally. He looks up to her and always listens to her advice.
Her late husband was the first in line to the throne after Raja’s father due to old treaties, and would become the king after his death had he not been conveniently murdered few weeks after marrying Anya.
Anya introduced her nephew to romance novels, she also came up with an idea of teaching Raja to play the violin.

Otto  [ cousin ]

Anya’s son, in similar age to Raja. He shares the name with his father who died before his birth. They grew up together and still are very close friends. Otto was the one with the most entertaining and now fairly embarrassing ideas.


Irmine  [ stepmother ]

Raja’s stepmother who married his father few month after Raja’s mother’s death. The fifth princess of a neighboring southern country.


Orange, Meringue and Truffle  

Raja got these cats for his eight birthday from his aunt shortly after his mother died. They were the ones who had to suffer through Raja’s first attempts of crocheting cat jumpers.


--  [ relationship ]

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