


5 years, 10 months ago


Seventh Princess Rubellynn Aquaellym
Half Blood
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Reserved • Intelligent • Cautious • Pessimistic

Soft-spoken, mild-mannered, and blessed with magical abilities uncommon for someone of her blood, the youngest princess is a solemn young woman with many mysteries circulating around her. Rubellynn appears serene and graceful, maintaining a polite yet avoidant distance from others. She's known to be the most unapproachable one of her family, which is furthered by her reserved behavior and the rumor that death and misfortune haunt every step she takes. She is used to being lied to and is used to staying silent to survive, so she remains silent and is always searching for some discrepancy within one’s words and actions. Years of being looked down upon and labeled because of her birth have made the princess strive to reach expectations she feels are appropriate for her. Even against the continuous criticisms, she perseveres. Despite initially seeming aloof, she genuinely wishes she could connect with the people she cares most for and not feel so guarded all the time, however awkward her attempts at this goal may be. She can also be quite playful, curious and imaginative, tending to live in her head a little too much. She delights in knowing more about those close to her, enjoying humor and dancing, and has a penchant for culture. Due to her self imposed discipline, she normally enjoys things humbly, even if she's excited.

The death of her mother and the missing links in her memory are the reasons for the deep feeling of listlessness and inner sadness within the princess. This sense of emptiness and the traumas associated with her memories are believed to be the cause to the princess's sleepwalking and frequent night terrors. As a result, she is not a morning person and usually wakes up very late into the day.


  • Storytelling
  • Music
  • The sounds of chimes
  • Honesty


  • Her family
  • Labels
  • Bland Foods
  • Lying and Half-Truths
"Ah! O-oh, it's only you. Forgive me, my mind was elsewhere..."


(TBD) Being Revised.


≺ The youngest princess is especially critical when it comes to her own shortcomings, let alone her existence. She may not look it, but she tends to think negatively, especially about herself. Any comments made about her are usually seen as an attack on her character and sometimes could be taken a little personally.


≺ She was often depressed in her youth due to the alienation of both her family memebers and those within the kingdom. Most connections she's had ultimately fell through as people around her either died or were too old to want to deal with a child that struggled to meet the standards of society. Seen as feeble minded, the princess chose to remain close to very few individuals, rarely interacting with other people on her own.

≺ It is difficult for Rubellynn to truly express herself as she usually mild mannered. It's not uncoomon for her reactions to be misunderstood for disingenuousness or a lack of enthusiam. The princess is actually a highly emotional person. Her feelings like anger, bitterness, jealousy, all those destructive emotions tend to blow up over an extended period. Even with the bad, she has happier feelings she’d wish to express as well. She also struggles with the validity of her festering emotions.

≺ While Rubellynn tends to keep a calm appearance, her emotions can be detected through her eyes whenever she is greatly stressed. While Ruuben does have a fair amount of self-control around people, it's apparent that her emotions are beginning to affect her as she's prone to self isolation and disassociating. She rarely ever resorts to exerting her feelings through means of violence unless it's to be taken out on some unfortunate object nearby while in private.

≺ She’s surprisingly able to hold a grudge for an extremely long time and can easily become very vengeful. She distances herself from situations that cannot be clearly judged as she admits that her bias is something that even she cannot put aside when it comes to making correct judgments.


≺ Her signature flowers are anemones and morning glory. These flowers are her favorites.

≺ Rubellynn has an inclination towards magic, a rare trait amongst water elves. Her magical abilities are mostly linked to enchantment and the hightening of her senses. These abilities are incantations, hypnotism, revitalation, sound manipulation , and Minor Air Manipulation. Rubellynn is also sensitive to flows of magic and can sense the prescene of magic. She cannot, however, tap into manipulating magic outside of her limitations without some sort of conduit acting as a buffer. The conducts are usually the various precious stones incorporated in her jewelry, as they are always pressing up against her skin.

≺ Her hobbies include growing and pressing flowers within the greenhouse her mother left for her, singing, dancing, textile and needle work, solving intellectual puzzles and fishing. She is well versed in textile arts as it was a hobby she enjoyed with her mother in her youth.

Rubellynn's "amnesia" = repressed memories that are being uncovered due to her growing connection

≺ She is able to see at night and is able to breathe underwater.

≺ Rubellynn's hair tends to round at its ends, resembling soft, ivory-pale green feathers and plumes.True to its feather like appearance, its very light and volumunous.

≺ Her most treasured possession is an obsidian pendant her mother use to wear. It came with as a set , with its twin being a necklace with jewels colored a similar shade to Rubellynn's eyes. Given Rubellynn abilities, the obsidian offers Rubellynn the ability to reveal the thoughts within one's mind. Given her abilities, she is able to use the obsidian to read theminds and inner natures of others. However, she is not a profficient in it as her other talents and rarely uses this ability, which limits her to only reading the most forefront thoughts of a person, which she'll use to gain some insight to their inner nature.

≺ Rubellynn has some experience with combat, knowing a protective measure of hand-to-hand combat but has a great sense of for strategy.

≺ Her favorite color is green and some rich shades of blue. She doesn't really care for pink and yellow.

≺ She has a fondness for whales and serpents.

≺ Rubellynn is 5'7" (169.2 cm), which is considered short amongst water elves. Rubellynn's body is curvy. She's on the bigger side i.e. stomach fat, thicker upper arms, fuller legs and hips. Rather than being fast, her body is built for endurance. Her skin always has a dewy, smooth look to it, but is similar to the fatty, thick skin of whales.

≺ Her singing voice has an ethreal softness to it, earning the claim to be hypnotizing. Her normal speaking voice also has this softness to it, but her overall tone of voice is rather flat.

≺ Her hands are clawed and webbed. She also has feathered and scaled patches littered across her body that glitter when they catch light.

≺ Rubellynn's ears and gills are always hidden by her hair unless rigious action is done or it's tied up. Her ears aren't big and are floppy. They, along with her gills, move somewhat depending on the emotion she's feeling at the moment.





[ Mother ]

Rubellynn's time with her mother was considerably short, but she idolized her nonetheless. Her mother was nothing short of loving, always finding time to spoil the young princess rotten. Rubellynn always remembered that her mother light up the room and walked confidently in the face of adversity, rather wsting time on anything he considered nonsense. The death of her mother affected her greatly as she was her rock and protector. Having someone so strong taken from her made the princess so avoidant to having that kind of connetion in her life, but all that more clingy when she did. The ambiguity surrounding her death and the fact that people seemed to move on from it so quickly has left the princess in a deep state of disorder and mourning. Even so, she finds stability and peace through the memories of or items that once belonged to her mother, and actively visits the places that she once frequented.



[ Retainer ]

Rubellynn's opinion of her appointed retainer changed significantly over a short period, won over by his jovial disposition and comical but honest outlook on life. They contrast in a way that brings them together; it's like a breath of fresh air rather than another person Rubelllynn needs to watch out for lest they stab her in the back. She initially avoided him out of her irrational fear of bringing harm to others and the fact that she found his genuine nature jarring and overwhelming as she was not used to having someone like him around. Still, Octavian's always followed her both out of duty and genuine concern for someone he considered a friend no matter how much she tried to push him away. She admits to having grown rather fond of the young fire elf and caught herself looking forward to being in his prescene. Rubellynn considers him to be a big part of her life now as he's brought so much light and positivity into it; she fears that something will take him away, so she is often seen somewhat clinging by his side.



[ Father ]

She use to hold the king in high regard as a child, but her faith in him has dwindled so significantly that she finds it hard to even believe to actually be related, much less mean anything, to the king. Rubellynn finds her father's decline in character somewhat frustrating, as he was a loving, noble father but now seems to be more of a stranger and a shell of the person she once knew. She could tell you a time when the elven king would smile and lift her up in ways she didn't know she needed. She loathes being alone around him as she hates the person he's become now, but she doesn't exactly want to be rid of him as he is her father. Rubellynn knows she's clinging onto the king he once was in the days gone by, fruitlessly hoping that the person she once called "Father" is still there somewhere within him. She finds it difficult to talk to him, and her efforts to bond with him after her mother's passing have all been for naught. No enthusiasm, no energy; it felt like talking to a wall. His neglectful attitude towards her and her sisters has paid a great price, something she feels can't be mended as quickly as she may want it to be.



[ Older Half-Sister ]

Rubellynn can only describe their relationship as that of one purely fueled out of spite. Rubellynn is highly aware of her sister's barely veiled hatred towards her...and the feeling is mutual. She acts as a constant reminder that as long as she's here, Rubellynn is worth nothing more than. Seraephine's sole purpose, as Rubellynn believes, is to brings out the worst in her, reopening the barely healed wounds on her heart. As much as she wants to scream, rip and tear into every fiber of Seraephine's ego, Rubellynn hates herself for allowing her sister to have so much power over her, loathing that she doesn't have a way of returning the favor.



[ Older Half-Sister ]

Altiora is a very conflicting and emotional topic for Rubellynn. Altiora was always lovely to Rubellynn when she was still alive; however, that's all she seemed to be. She never really stood up for Rubellynn, let alone any of the others, when it came to the treatment they received. Always standing on the side, watching and waiting to act only when the torment is over. Not to mention chastising her whenever Rubellynn retaliated against the treatment when she reached her breaking point. This caused Rubellynn to be quite resentful to her sister, and as she grew older, she made no attempt to hide it. She would curse her sister, calling her names for her hypocrisy when Altiora attempted to talk to her. It even got to the point where Rubellynn would admit that Altiora's acts amounted to the worth of a dead person's. That officially ended their relationship. However, due to Altiora's assassination coupled with Rubellynn's resentment and treatment of her, Rubellynn can't help but feel that she was the one to bring about her sister's death, willing it into existence. She struggles with the validity of this being true, as she was not the one to outright murder her sister, but she has "taken" the life of another water elf before.



[ Older Half-Sister ]

Estellan is someone Rubellynn considers irksome, but not too threatening. While Estellan's given Rubellynn more than enough reason to despise and cast her aside--whch he does to some degree-- she finds it hard to truly hate Estellan. Rubellynn doesn't want to excuse her sister's behavior, but something about her personally hits a little too close to home. The jeers, the way she always seems to have a comeback or the way she clings onto the people she's believed to have formed a relationship, or maybe it's the way she actively tries to one-up the rest of their siblings. Seeing how Estellan acts gives Rubellynn that her sister is fighting her own demons the only way she knows how, only to be be ignored no matter what she does. Rubellynn can't help but look upon her sister with an uncanny sense of pity.



[ Older Half-Sister ]

The awareness Rubellynn has of her older sister's explosive nature keeps keeps her from ever having even a glance shared between the two. Rubellynn, as with the rest of her sisters, doesn't feel particularily close to Laure, but she doesn't neccessarily dislike her either. If anything, the two sister's barely speak to other and usually stay out of each others' way.



[ Older Half-Sister ]

Despite the two sharing similar quiet, reversed dispositions, the two rarely speak with each one another. Rubellynn often pities her sister as she seems even more timid and skittish than herself, as she at least makes it obvious that she doesn't want to be left in a room with anyone, let alone any of their family memebers. However, Rubellynn has taken notice of the way her sister tends to avoid her the most. Many attempts she's made trying to strike up some sort of conversation with Orabel were either met with her older sister excusing herself right from the start or witnessing Laurë's anger from jumping to the conclusion that Rubellynn had upset Orabel.



[ Mentor ]




[ Mentor/Relative ]




[ Older Half-Sister ]


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