


6 years, 3 months ago



Anubis grew up knowing only servitude. Born servant of a wealthy family he was born and raised taking orders and following commands. is Masters were not cruel but they were  firm and hard-pressed in their rules and laws. This made Anubis one to follow rules and take commands. His service brought him to the  the ranks of the guardsman trusted to protect the master and his family. Anubis would gladly die for his master if only it would have been that easy.

 it happened on a Hunting Party Nothing seemed out of the ordinary but one night as the full moon Rose High into the sky the Wolves house founded deep in the woods period before anyone could react the camp was overrun by wolves and Unholy Beast. Anubis fought to keep the beasts out of his master's tent many of the other guardsman's fell around him and then Anubis heard a woosk of magic  from the tent behind him. His master has had fled leaving them all to die. And died they did one by one The Watchmen fell around Anubis as he fought and bled from the many runes and cuts until one wolf stove at him biting down hard on his neck  Anubis felt all the strength in his body length leave him has he crumpled onto the ground.


You woke up much much later is breathing heavy his wounds throbbing numb pain is mine cloudy. He felt the restraints on his arms and legs he smelled the medicine much like the master reviews on him. Where was he just didn't smell like home he couldn't see anything the blindfold covering his eyes. Yet he heard someone moving around him humming to themselves. Anubis found his voice his mask had left him to die had thrown away the years of commitment and loyalty. He was not about taking advantage of again. “Where am I.”  Anubis growled. “ you're not dead that's about what matters Sir.  so if you keep fighting me just soon will be you're in no shape to survive  a shift right now.” “shift?” “You were bitten by a werewolf kid your part werewolf and I need to get you stable before the first initial pain said in your kill yourself.  so just be a good little pupper and take your medicine.” Anubis felt a sharp pain in his arm as he was injected with some sort of medication his body going numb and locking up as he felt something deep within him unleash savagery pushing and pulling at his long set mind of order and stability he sells himself changing or at least trying to whatever was coursing through his blood fighting back the transformation. Anubis howled in pain.  his world was suddenly cut short With a sharp slap to the back of his head. 

He woke up again later Shane to a bed breathing heavily on all fours he tried to stand up but he couldn't his body wouldn't allow it he looked down at his hands no his paws Yelp turning he become feral stuck to all fours monstrous. get some how he could still think clearly. There's footsteps as the rooms doors open and a bunny walks in looking at them. “ this is going to be a very simple test if you can understand me please sit.”  Anubis growls at the bunny hackles raising.” I'm going to repeat myself if you can understand me please sit down if not I will treat you like the werewolf your become.”  their voice is cold and without feeling Anubis consents very clear promise in their words.  he sits down.  the bunny seems to relax. “ thank God I thought This was another failure. They walk over to Anubis please remain calm this is going to sting a little but just sitting reverse the changes and allow you to turn back into your anthro form. before I knew was going to react as a sharp pinching his neck as his form seems to grow hot he's able to stand up rubbing his neck. ‘What the hell was that! who are you? What's going on? where am !” “ That was a potion I brewed to help deal with whereisum. My name is q.I just saved your life from a werewolf attack. Your at My private residence.” Speaks quickly answering all of Anubis questions. 

This was the start of Q and anubis's relationship. Do you have been following the where else trying to capture them with little success before they hurt more people and added more to their ranks period when they came across Anubis barely alive in the camp they took it this chance to collect him and test their potions. A potion to a temporarily Aid a werewolf of their new power and mindset. Anubis was the first success his years of obedience and rules eating the potion to help him gain an upper hand of the Beast. Anubis wasn't cured and Qs potion wasn't perfect. The working together every month he has a new variation to tell test Anubis. And keep him in control like he's so much wanted to be of his life now. and in return Anubis helps you protect their Gardens and animals he's not a servant he's not a guard he's not a Slave. He is Q’s equal. he is free.