Beedle's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

bushling Global Rules

design rules

  • do not resell my designs for more than its original value unless they have extra commissioned or personal work (gift art or art trades cannot be included in the value)
  • the value of personal works need to be priced appropriately (you cannot list a quick sketch for $30 for example)
  • do not bid or offer on my adopts if you will back out, you may get black/greylisted from my designs
  • ghosting will result in an immediate blacklist
  • greylisted users cannot participate in my freebies/raffles or make direct offers on my designs
  • do not gift greylisted users my freebies/raffles, you may get grey/blacklisted for doing so
  • do not give blacklisted users any of my designs, you will get blacklisted for doing so
  • no refunds on either full payments or partial payments
  • redesigns and design edits using my lines/art is fine, as long as the unedited original artwork is visible in the toyhouse profile
  • do not claim a design of mine as your own, make sure to credit me as the designer even if the design has been edited/redesigned
  • you are free to void designs made for a closed species, as long as the closed species allows it
  • my designs' current value is not voided if you got them from trade/gift, but if you bought them for a lower value, that lower value is now the new current value
  • base value stays the same and can always be resold at that price (base value can usually be found at the bottom of my design's ownership log)
  • commercial use of my designs is fine, but do not commercially use my art that comes with the design
ashymoneyknees / solaris 

none! :D