Parka and Beep



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Parka Snowcap

Origin of Birth: Mainland

Relationship Status: Single

Personality: Strange, happy, adventurous, energetic, silly, easily sidetracked

Short Bio: Parka  hatched and was taken care of very much by her parent Eepo, they  explored all over and one day were at the beach when they found a  frustrated hatchling.  They helped him out, learning his name was Noel.   They fixed his boat for him and helped to pack things for his trip.  As  he was setting off, he proposed for them to come with him.  They did of  course!  Parka much preferrs the winter, and loves Noel's colors  because of that.  Noel does most of the talking for Parka and Beep, as  no one knows Starspeak and Parka has never been known to say anything  but gibberish, though it is unknown why.  One day they got into a very  bad storm and were thrown completely off track.  They woke up with their  boat in a small pond in the middle of a town.  None of them knew how  they got there, but they set up a new home there.  The family still  mostly lives upon the sea though, with a magical portal out to it to be  able to have adventures.  They always return home.

Likes: Noel, Winter, boats, water, snow, playing, being a pirate.

Dislikes: Being yelled at by anyone but Noel and Beep, being laughed at

Fears: Loosing her boat, loosing her Beep, loosing her Noel.

Favorite Color: Purple