


1 year, 21 days ago


Her Royal Highness Duchess Savannah Faulkner


Duchess Faulkner


Female (She/Her)


Thirty Four






Fashion Designer


February 4th









Priceless (NFT)




> pinterest link


"Fine, Iā€™m guilty! I wear false eyelashes. Oh, and I took a bite of the cake."

Duchess is a 34-year-old Cinnacat who lives a life of opulence and extravagance. Born into a wealthy and influential family, Duchess has never known a day without luxury. She extends her richness to her little sister, Princess, and her closest friends, such as Sailor, ensuring they too experience the finest things in life. Duchess possesses a bold and blunt personality, unafraid to speak her mind regardless of the consequences. Her refusal to be silenced is a testament to her strong-willed nature. She has a penchant for attending extravagant plays and indulging in expensive alcoholic beverages, relishing in the grandeur of these experiences.

While Duchess thrives in high society, she despises anything that may tarnish her pristine appearance. She detests getting dirty and avoids any situation that may compromise her immaculate grooming. Additionally, she has an aversion to rock music, finding it distasteful and lacking the refinement she holds dear.


  • Duchess has a VERY large tail!
  • She has three hearts on her torso.
  • She is very fluffy! Especially on her hips and shoulders!
  • Anatomy wise Duchess is supposed to look like an ostrich!



Duchess was born into a wealthy family some time during the 1900s. She is the older of two by over 10 years, but has nothing but love for her little sister and her parents. Her life growing up is what you could call comfy and easy, she got the highest education money could buy in her area and was absolutely spoiled. In fact, her parents would take her to their local theater to see any show she wanted as many times as she wanted. This was their compromise for not allowing Duchess to watch TV or go to any actual movies, which she was more than ok with. Duchess quickly fell in love with all of the actresses at her theater and her parents would often buy her backstage passes to meet them, where she even became friends with some of them when she started becoming older.

Young Adult

Being a teenager didn't bring too many troubles for Duchess, aside from molting every year. She still lived a very spoiled life and would visit the theater whenever she could, though now she would buy the actresses she saw expensive gifts of flowers and perfume, and would even go behind her parent's backs to date some of them. The theater became Duchess' safe place, and she begged her parents to support it whenever they were having money troubles, which they would happily do for her. The more time Duchess spent around other women, the less she wanted to be around men, and would sneak off to women only area with her actress friends to parety, drink, and just have a good time. It was at one of these places she met Sailor, a bartender, and the two fell in love and dated for almost a year before deciding they were better off as friends.

Adult Life

When she was old enough Duchess moved out the first chance she got, taking her little sister in with her as her parents were no longer in a good condition to raise her. Duchess stopped going out to parties and drinking to spend more time with her sister, and the two are inseperable. She would do her best to keep up with trends for her sister so she could seem cool, but with her sister being so much younger it didn't exactly always work out that way. Still, the two always make time to be with each other, and when Duchess can't watch her she will only trust Princess to be watched by Sailor or one of her actress friends who she still keeps in close contact with.


Princess is Duchess' baby sister, and the light of her life! She is very protective of her, and refuses to let anyone near her that she doesn't trust. You can often see these two going shopping in expensive dresses, though Princess is also usually covered in glitter.

Sailor is Duchess' closest friend. She trusts him more than anyone, and will open up to him more than anyone else. The two have been friends since childhood!

Dandy is one of the few men that Duchess can stand being around. The two are not very close, but Duchess enjoys visiting him to go on strolls around his property and to enjoy tea and pastries together.

These two characters do not have a relationship, but they are both based off of real life birds! Duchess is based off of an Ostrich I worked with, and Quarrion is based off my three pet Cockatiels!



  • Spending time with others
  • Jungle Birds (Drink)
  • Expensive Perfumes
  • Large Fancy Ball Gowns


  • Waking Early
  • Insects
  • Being Touched
  • Cold Tea


  • Duchess has a Transatlantic accent!
  • She often prefers the company of other women and will rarely give any man the time of day.
  • Duchess loves to dress up even when she's home alone. She has a large collection of fluffy pink robes that she will wear any chance she gets.
  • Duchess is not, in fact, a real Duchess. It is a chosen name she picked for herself in her early twenties to stand out, and the title naturally came with it.


Kristin Chenoweth
It's My Party
Lesley Gore

code by icecreampizzeria