


5 years, 10 months ago


Edison #025 Raichu


Type Electric
Nature Rash
Ability Static
Age 22
Height 5' 7"
Status Huge Single loser
Playlist Spotify Playlist
Gold | When its electricity builds, its muscles are stimulated, and it becomes more aggressive than usual.



  • Cocky
  • Proud
  • Stubborn
  • Tsundere
  • Protective
  • Naive

Very cocky and strong headed. He loves starting fights and being smug. He’s entirely over confident for someone who can hardly take a hit. His defense.. sucks. His nature makes this even worse. Even so, he doesn’t let that stop him from swaggering around like he does. He strives to be the best and comes off as a bully. But this shouldn’t be taken to heart. He does it so off handed he doesn't even realize he's doing it most of the time and generally means well. He can be a softy, though chances of that is fairly rare. .


(Feral pkmn original story)

His parents were captured by trainers, leaving him an orphan. He was pretty much raised by his colony. Others his age would tease him for it, and from there he did his best to raise himself. This would be the start of his stubborness. He began starting fights with any pokemon around him. But having such a poor defense he would almost always lose. He became frustrated at this point and promised himself that he’d one day become great all on his own. Then he was caught by his Trainer, Abigail. He felt humiliated but only showed stubbornness and didn’t care to battle. That is until one day he watched Abigail train her other pokemon. He realized she could help him become stronger and began giving his all in battles and when Abigail came across a thunderstone, Edison became ecstatic. Abigail was unsure though. Delaying using it until they battled another trainer’s raichu. Seeing how envious Edison was of it, she decided to give it to him. Edison evolved happily. This didn’t help his over confident attitude.


Thunder Punch Electic

The target is punched with an electrified fist. It may also leave the target with paralysis.

Headbutt Normal

The user attacks with its head. It may make the foe flinch.

Quick Attack Normal

The user lunges at the target at a speed that makes it almost invisible. This move always goes first.

Discharge Electric

A flare of electricity is loosed to strike all Pokémon in battle. It may also cause paralysis.

