


1 year, 12 days ago




 BRIARCLOUD—a short haired, chocolate and red, spotted calico she-cat, with gold eyes.

Sister to Bramblebark and Oakburn. Chaotic Lawful alignment. A smart worrywart, secretly hates Eaglestar because he forced Quailcoil to be his mate and harasses her apprentice-now-coworker Loonsight, and he's an all-round piece of shit, so she treats Eagle poorly in hopes he gets an infection and dies. Attempts to murder him have been discreetly made by her friend Sparrownose as well, but Pineleg hasn't. (Pineleg has made up for her inaction by hatching the assassination plan.)

Briar has also encouraged Quailcoil to try and kill Eagle, but Quail's estrangement from Briar (who never liked Eagle) means she raarely listens to her kithood friend anymore. Eagle's abuse has been sending Quail to the medic den more and more often lately.

Briar has gotten Starclan dreams, but ignores them because Starclan has, in her eyes, allowed Eagle’s Clannist bullshit and abuse of Quail, so she doesn't trust them at all since he became leader. Briar made it a point to never follow the spirit of any order Eagle gives her to this day, causing the medicat and the leader to regularly fight over petty bullshit. Briar loves it when she can vent her rage like that. His injustices and need for comeuppance regularly war with Briar's sense of duty to her Clan. An opinionated and clever worrywart-over-others-not-herself type of cat.

  • Likes:
  • finding flowers
  • Sparrownose
  • rainy days
  • Dislikes:
  • Eaglestar
  • cowards
  • reckless cats


Briar has, through her life, hated Eaglestar more and more. Nowadays, she can barely stand his presence without instigating a screaming fight.

Sparrownose, Quailcoil, and Briarcloud have been friends since kithood. They got along and enjoyed playing separately from the boys - usually playing pranks on them or Cranekit.

Oakburn is the brother Briar is on good terms with. Neither of them speak to Bramblebark if they can help it, their compassionate natures too different from his anymore.

Pineleg became friends with Briar when she became deputy, acting as the liaison between Briar and Eagle to prevent any more shouting matches.