Alex Chase



1 year, 11 days ago


Alex Chase

Name Alex Chase
Age 18
Gender Male
Race (White/Tan)
Role Assassin
Value $$$


The night it all started He was once a myth that roamed the world known as Minecraft. Locals Believed he was a myth created to scare criminals into hiding, others believed he was the devil himself. Let's get started with the real intro... Once upon a time, Daku also known as "Alex" was wandering through the villages at midnight. This was the night that locals witnessed their truth be unfolded as a lie. Daku walked into a village killing many soldiers (Skilled Soldiers) Blood splattered throughout the whole village as other people were screaming for forgiveness. That night the people of that village and many other villages, realized he was no myth. The reason people didn't believe he was real was that they'd never witnessed him before nor seen him in action. He was once known as the Stalker the one in the shadows waiting for the right time to strike. But that one night he didn't hide, no one knows the real reason he killed 56 men and 32 women that night. That's the night villages got more armed guards and when civilians started locking all their doors. Daku's backstory: Daku was raised by skilled assassins, who taught him many fighting styles. He first started training at the age of 4, he learned how to throw knives almost perfectly at the age of 5. He was trained for 7+ hours a day, sweating throwing up, and begging for a break. The only response from his masters was "you must become the most fearful warrior NOW TRAIN OR PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!". Every time he failed he got a cut on his chest or back or arms. He was trained to withstand some poison and brutal kicks and punches. They trained every part of his body and mind (Reflexes, Memory, Emotions" Making him the ultimate warrior/killer. There were others in the training camp he was raised in but they all got killed for failing. He was then trained until he was 16, meaning he trained for 16 years, for 7+ hours a day.

"And that night, no one survived. But it’s just a fairy tale, something to tell the kiddos, don’t worry about it"

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