


1 year, 11 days ago




 HOLLYTOOTH—a long haired, chocolate she-cat, with hazel eyes.

A former rogue. Mate to Pineleg, they connected over past rogue-ness. Lawful Neutral alignment. A deadpan but funny cat, she enjoys testing her fighting skills against others. Mother of Skykit and Pebblekit. 

Originally joined Forestclan under Elmstar’s rule, before his wars, to not be alone as an apprentice-age loner. Only once she was a fully fledged warrior did she see the cruelty of Elmstar and Eagleheart, but by then, she was held in high esteem as a very effective tree-ambusher in the Wars. She was stuck with indecision until she met and came to know and love fellow former rogue-in-kithood Pineleg, who she now assists with Eagle’s assassination plan when able - her nursery nest covers a veritable hoard of dangerous plants that Briar has donated to the cause, and strategy meetings happen in the nursery when Cranefeather is out and Pine and friends are playing with the kits. (Sky and Pebble are well-trained to not touch the dangerous plants by now, they’ll be fine. Holly is usually literally sitting on the plants to keep them out of reach anyways.)

  • Likes:
  • cracking off-color jokes
  • learning new skills
  • sparring
  • Dislikes:
  • unexplained rules
  • having to keep secrets
  • uncritically held beliefs


Holly's favorite cat. These two love talking and examining themselves and others' ethics. Holly was annoyed with Pine when she wouldn't analyze Eagle's behavior with a clear head.

Briarcloud became Holly's friend along with Pine. Holly loves trading jabs and bad jokes in an effort to make Briar look less stressed.

Cranefeather just annoys Holly because she never questions her own beliefs. She's not self aware at all.

Skykit and Pebblekit, respectively.