🩵Parker🩵's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

daredevils Global Rules

Please read my


when purchasing / trading / etc. any designs of mine! 

Failure to comply with these rules can result in getting blacklisted, and in very rare cases, the design  revoked. (See 'Designs' in TOS link.)


These users may not own designs by me after the date of being blacklisted. For ease of access, all are listed here.

- Keivasu / Waywardhellhound / RogueKeith

- Unknowndruid 

- Angelfonds 

- LocalMonkey 

- Icedog-McMuffin / CosmicFall

- IncomingSavalanche 

- Zorri 


- SleepyPetals / TiredEddie

- Plut0w0