


11 months, 26 days ago


NAME Willard Graham Evans

NICKNAME "Will", "Wybie"

AGE 17




SPECIES Collie Mutt


"You, um, you can call me Will. Or Wybie. Just... not 'Willard', for the love of everything."


A gentle, quiet soul that would've avoided the city of Deito in its prime. They can't stand loud noises and they hate the sound of scraping metal or clanging steel. However, he does have a fondness for architecture, and marvels at the sheer scale — and simultaneous beauty — of the city's buildings. As of now, he's a student at Dawson-Knucker High (home of the Serpents...) struggling to keep his head above the waters of the few honor courses he's taking. He's a slow learner is all; he picks things up much easier when they're shown to him multiple ways.

For the most part, Wybie's been a loner for most of his life. They've never gotten along well with others. Often, in his earlier years of school, he would be made fun of for his reluctance to speak. He isn't the biggest people person because of this. He currently works at Deito's public library, having grown close to its director, and mostly works in the back sorting books to be reshelved alongside other various chores that nobody else really wants to do. He doesn't mind that and is perfectly content being paid a little more to do a bit of menial work.


Wybie wasn't born here, but he wasn't more than two when he moved to Deito. He lives in a moderately well-sized house a short drive away from town; they have an in-ground pool in the backyard. He lives a quiet and happy life with his younger sister [Abigail?] and his parents. Their neighboorhood is popular with the ever-changing roaster of military personnel in the area, and Wybie's used to people moving in and out all the time.

He's always had a fondness for sketching buildings. Naturally, once he figured out he could do that for a job, he's had his mind set to becoming an architect. However, he's always struggled in school. It's not because he's not smart, it just takes a while for new things to stick in his mind. He's never been a model student, and was even held back for a year, but it wasn't his fault that he didn't get the assistance he needed.

But when his neighbor moved out, it marked a new point in Wybie's life. The family that moves in actually had a kid his age — a wolf-like canine by the name of Vincent. Or Isaac. Or Barnes. Or, as Wybie's mother embarrassingly called him, Barney. He befriended Vin almost immediately, and the two quickly became inseparable. They're as close as brothers, their bond as strong as the ones between people who've known one another since they were babies. Now, Wybie actually has a friend to lean on and have fun with both in and out of school, and he's more than happy to have had his long-standing record of being alone broken.


  • They always smell — very faintly — of campfire smoke. On an unrelated note, he is unrivaled in his ability to roast marshmallows.
  • He runs cross country for the highschool. He's not a prodigy, but he's definitely good.

Vincent friend

When Wybie heard that his new neighbor was actually going to be someone his age he was thrilled. Instead of keeping away from new strangers to meet, they went outside and even helped unpack some of the truck. Despite both of their introverted natures — and reluctance to make friends — the two hit it off almost instantly and have had a closer friendship than anything either had with anyone else before. Wybie loves listening to Barnes stumble his way through his storytelling and finds it fun to show him around the city, sharing urban legends and genuine historical landmarks. He also, more often than he'd like to admit, turns to Vin for tutoring. They don't enjoy calling it that, though. Instead, they disguise it as complaining about schoolwork, often at a cafe downtown.


Donnie tutor

tutored by donnie! i think!