Keiton Altose



5 years, 9 months ago


Keiton Altose

Full name: Keiton Calas Altose

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Human

Occupation: Freelance Artist

Design Notes:
While Keiton's closet is usually pretty boring, he really likes Pastel-Goth fashion and hearts/religious motifs.
He's very introverted to the point of being anti-social, but not a downer with his friends. His emotions are stifled to strangers, but flambouyant once you get to know him.
His fiery ginger hair has type 2c curls, and he's absolutely covered in freckles.

Parental figure(s): Carnus, Ex

Friends: Fen, Tessa

Lover(s): Candis Eldran

Interests/Hobbies: Art, Horror, Cooking, Poetry, Music, Romance (Books, Movies, TV, etc.)

Ambitions: He’s very self-motivated about his art, and it’s definitely his biggest passion and ambition. Although he won’t admit it to anyone, he has dreams of his work being widely recognized and revered.

Habits: He has a bit of a drinking problem, using it as a crutch to help his somewhat debilitating mental health.

Fears: Being alone and unloved for the rest of his life. (As well as a deep-rooted fear of not making it to heaven by refusing to let himself love men, and going to hell for it if he does.)

Biggest Secret: It used to be his ”unrequited” crush on Candis, until that illusion disappeared faster than cotton candy in a bathtub. Outside of that, it’s probably the fact that he does furry porn commissions to make up a decent chunk of his income.

Religion: Christian

Height: 5'2

Eyes: Bright teal blue.

Skin Tone: Pale (not for lack of trying) and completely splattered with freckles.

Body Type/Build: Short and Plump. All of the fat on his body distributes to his stomach and his thighs, making him somewhat bottom-heavy. He has a very defined waist despite this, which he is very self conscious about due to how feminine he feels it makes him look.

Hair (Style/Color): Fiery, ginger curls that fall loosely around his face. Hair trimming is not something he spends a lot of time doing, so it usually takes on a somewhat untamed appearance when he doesn’t have it out of his face in a little ponytail to focus. It falls about an inch above his shoulders.

Fashion Sense: He doesn’t allow himself to learn to have a fashion sense. In a perfect world where he felt confident in his gender identity and his body, he prefers somewhat cutesy, pastel clothing. (Think vaporwave aesthetics on a slightly reserved e-girl.) But usually, he’s just wearing t-shirts and comfortable, loose fitting sweatpants.

Mannerisms/Gestures: He tends to bite his nails a lot when he’s zoning out on his phone or watching TV, and he’s generally pretty physically exaggerative when talking about something he’s passionate about.

Distinguishing Features: He’s absolute covered in freckles, but aside from that he also has some pretty bad self-harm scars on his upper thighs.

Current Home:

Rochester, NY


Freelance Artist.


Father: Carnus Jastre. An incredibly tall, twig of a man who’s made his living as a very successful doctor with only a few questionable practices along the way. Mother: Exaiel Bravec. An also incredibly tall, well-built powerhouse of a woman who works a lot of nighttime shifts as a professional DJ and has put out several albums of her own.


Varies based on AU, but his parents are incredibly wealthy and he’s had a very privileged upbringing.


Varies based on AU, but has a high school degree with a GPA of 3.35.


His physical health is pretty average, however he’s very susceptible to having liver problems due to his problems with alcohol. He has a couple of mental health problems, including: Schizophrenia, Depression, and Body Dysmorphia.


Keiton is deeply, insatiably in love with his boyfriend, Candis. They were childhood best friends after he was adopted by his new parents, and have been inseparable ever since.

Important Past Events:

Keiton was born to an incredibly abusive, uptight Christian father. After the death of his mother when he was only 5 years old, his father took out his anger on him physically and left him hospitalized after a concerned neighbor called the police. He was momentarily placed into Child Protective Services, before being adopted by the doctor who was assigned to him during his hospital stay and had grown incredibly fond of him. His father was sentenced to 10 years in prison with no possibility of parole.