[CLOSED]'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Mawika Global Rules

Their design, name, visual, cannot be used or reposted in any way without my permission. In the case of my own creations, when fanart is made I should always be credited as their creator. >

In adopts case if you are participating in a raffle/buying one of my adopts you are agreeing with my adopt terms of service: https://toyhou.se/~literature/183333.adopts-terms-of-servicerules

If you trade/sell my adopt with someone please be sure they've read the my tos (the one above) as an infringement on my rules will cause both parties to be blacklisted and in worst cases the adopt to be return!

Just to make sure my rules are clear I will post some parts of my TOS here as well:

  • Do NOT sell my adopts/customs for a higher price then what they were bought unless you BOUGHT art (gifted art is NOT to be included in the new price) in that case you have to specify for how much you bought the art when selling.
  • Do NOT sell raffle adopts in ANY circumstance! Even if you bought art for them you CANNOT sell them only trade/gift!
  • My adopts/customs DO NOT come with commercial use, if you want to use them commercially ou have to talk to me first and we can negociate a price.
  • Trading adopts is ok but make sure the new owner have read the rules!!!
  • Do NOT change my adopts designs without my permission, making alternative versions is ok BUT you have to keep the original version visible.
  • In case you want to use them for a closed species you have to ask me first.