Sun (DnD Sun)



4 months, 11 days ago


layout design by GreyWolf code by BunBox

  • About
  • Name Sun
  • Gender Male(He/They)
  • Age 171
  • Species Sun Elf
  • Class Ranger
  • Status Forever Homed
  • Theme

After years of nothing but mistreatment and torture all for just existing, Sun has grown to be more standoffish and analytical. Others see him as almost morally grey because of his nature of sometimes caring little over people, and often feeling little remorse over the expense of others. He's the kind of guy to sit back and watch the world burn so he can see who comes out on top.

When he is honest, however, it sometimes looks like he's being sarcastic because he isn't the most expressive person in the world. He has major trust issues, but over time as he meets people who see him more for who he is than what he is he tries his best to put trust in people once again, even if it comes off in an odd way.

  • The Quiet
  • Finding other 'monsters' like him
  • Starting Drama
  • Staying in the crowd rather than sticking out of the crowd
  • Likes animals more than people because the animals cant enslave people for 150 years
  • Being in a dark enclosed room alone
  • people(specifically hunters but he hates equally)
  • Being touched (over time grows more comfortable with small things from people he has come to trust
  • Netus duis ac pretium sem cursus eget ornare cras mollis!
  • Augue tincidunt torquent orci non ut, varius laoreet sapien purus.









Social Skills



Sun comes from a family of just him, an older brother and his mother. His mother before having him, but after his older brother, gained lycanthropy through a random werewolf attack in the night. Because of this she took the liberty to move out to the deep forest away from cities and towns in order to avoid any accidents during the night. When she had sun, that disease had passed on down to him, making him unable to cure the disease normally like most people due to being born with the gene. His mother taught him how she has grown to live with it,teaching him how to have more control over it during the worst times. His father on the other hand was against the idea of having a practically permanent werewolf son and had left one day without a word.

When sun was just 16, word had gotten out to monster hunters about a werewolf in the woods raising a born and bred werewolf. Out of fear they would move closer to the towns and start attacking people, a group was sent out to capture then either dead or alive. During the attack, his mother had been killed, and though unsure if both brothers had lycanthropy, they had killed his brother for safe measures, leaving just sun left. They figured that someone being born with lycanthropy would sell pretty high on the market, especially one at such a young and influential age, possibly being sold off to be trained to be a guard dog or a zoo animal. So, they did just that, they restrained him and sold him on the market off to a tall and stoic Drow named Valemir Do'ath(val-i-mear doh-ath) who runs a rare species zoo of sorts, a place to see rare creatures of all kinds that you normally would not see in a non-adventuring lifestyle, but behind the safety of cages and armed soldiers near the more rabid ones.



He spent around 150 years in that place, giving up any hope of escape after the first 50 of trying to take any opportunity he can of escape and being met with nothing but silver weapons and chains. Every escape attempt led to him being locked away for sometimes weeks in a dark enclosed off room with no windows for light to seep through but the door they used to occasionally feed him. The rest of the 100 years he spent watching and waiting, playing along with his new role as just another attraction for people to gawk at without any remorse. That was till one evening a new worker got a little too curious, tapping the enclosure to try and gain an audience with their oh so obedient caged animal. Sun decided to lay and wait, playing dead (which wouldn't have been too surprising considering how inhumanely the staff treated him) So the worker, having thought he had finally died, decided to get a closer look before calling anyone, unlocking the cage and walking in to check it out. The minute the workers hand touched fur, Sun attacked the man, leaving behind nothing but an unidentifiable mangled corpse as he effortlessly made his way out of the cage. He had originally planned to just make his escape through the night, but that overpowering voice in his head encouraging him to put an end to everything seemed too sweet. He just happened to do so in such a way that was not so favorable to most. Most of that night is nothing but a blurry nightmare to him now. All he knows is he was sure to leave no man left standing that got in his way. Though the man he wished to sink his teeth into the most was nowhere to be seen and was sure to most definitely not return after the massacre that was left in Sun's path. His memory only picks back up the morning after, having ran so far away he hadn't even the slightest clue where he was or where he came from.

Now, 5 years later, he goes by just the name Sun, no memory of what his name was before or even his family name. Still with a wanted dead or alive(preferred alive) bounty on his head by Valemir, he travels alone and rarely interacts with people; deeming humanity too cruel to be associated with, leading to him coming off as cold and sometimes morally grey to others with his small remorse for others. He now spends his time on the run from monster hunters after the price on his head, trying to find where the bastard ran off to, as well trying to learn if it is even possible for someone like him to be able to trust again.

  • He was born with Lycanthropy(werewolf)
  • Has over the years forgetten what his name was due to being called anything but something that resembles a name, so he goes by Sun now because he remembers his mom calling him her little ray of Sunshine
  • During his time at the exotic zoo, everytime there was a full moon the worked took the liberty of chaining him up to a point he was practically immoble, muzzling him, and keeping him in a pitch dark empty room all alone until the night had passed and it was safe to handle him again. This led to his discomfort in being alone in a dark closed off room.
  • He has a very hard time being able to put trust in people after years of people using and tricking him all for the large bounty over his head. He even goes as far as not even trusting people of his own kind(werewolves or other monsters like vampires and such) but it is a bit easier for him to trust people of similar backgrounds as him
  • He doesn't like showing it off to people, but if one can gain enough trust in him they may learn that he has an interest in making little wooden carvings of various animals he has encountered on his ventures. He never does it in hopes of making money off of it, he just thinks of them as little trophys and memories. He lil sometimes however sell some every so often when he is in dire need of money though he claims that he never made them.
  • Is one of thems homosexuals(He is an Asexual, Demoromantic Gay man, he kisses MEN
Design Notes
  • Please feel free to add more scars I dont mind it adds personality, just make sure that any scars currently on his ref are still present(ESPECIALLY FACE SCARS)
  • Has MAJOR RBF, like trying to get him to smile is like trying to find clothes in a REAL soup store
  • Almost always has 2 layers of clothings on(like undershirt and vest) because he dislikes people looking at all his scars on his body
  • Under his gloves he has scarred bruising on his wrists due to years of constantly being locked up tight every so often and multiple attempts to break free(its not in ref photo cause i forgor)
  • Has naturally sharper teeth in normal elf form
  • He has a slutty man wasit I mean theres nothing else really too it look at him dawg, why his waist so small for? For other men to hold it?
"What they don't know doesn't hurt them.."